Chapter 35: Miss Missing You

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School that week was boring.

Without Jack and Julian to brighten things up, everyone was noticeably dull. Especially Vanessa. She really was the embodiment of a girl that relied on her boyfriend. She was like one of those Disney Princesses that just needed a guy to help her.

"I've never seen her look so... dull" Kai hissed to me from his spot next to me in the lunch room. 

I nodded my agreement "I feel kinda bad, I mean she obviously misses Jack" I say, watching Vanessa. She's pushing around her salad in her plastic container, her hand cupping her cheek in boredom while her eyes are downcast.

"I thought she'd at least be able to last the week" Sandy joins in the conversation from my other side, her eyes fixing on Vanessa like the rest of us.

"Well it's only Wednesday and she looks miserable, we have to do something for her" Kai agrees.

I sigh "Like what?" I ask.

Kai and Sandy remain quiet for a few minutes before Kai's head suddenly shoots up, his eyes lighting up. I knew that look and I did not like it.

"I think I have an idea" Kai says with a smirk and I sigh, resting my face in both my palms. This didn't sound too great.


Vanessa's mood had only worsened as the day progressed, bringing down our moods as well. I dunno, I guess it's a best friend bond kinda thing. But when the final bell rang, Kai Sandy and I had huddled up by my locker, ready to put the plan in place.

"So it's all set up?" Sandy verified unsurely.

"Yeah, we just need to get Vanessa in the right place" Kai answered.

"And how do you suppose we do that, tie her up and drag her to the side of the school?" I hiss.

Kai scratches the back of his neck "Huh, just follow my lead" he say and Sandy and I share an odd look before I role my eyes and follow kai to where Vanessa is packing up her books. Looking very sorrowful, may I add.

'Hey Vanessa!" Kai calls out and she turns her head slowly and gives Kai a small smile.

"Sup, Kai?" she asks as she shoves her binder in her backpack.

Yeah, she really needed help.

Kai shrugs "I dunno we were looking around and we found something really cool, wanna come check it out?" he asks.

Vanessa shakes her head "Thanks, but no thanks. I haveto get home" she says.

Kai places a hand on her shoulder "Come on, Van, it'll be quick!" he insists.

Vanessa shakes her head "I can't, my mom is picking me up now" she says and I mentally facepalm at the small forgotten fact.

Vanessa was an awful driver. As in, try to get her to back out of a parking space and she'll manage to hit the twenty closest cars near her. Trust me, I was there when that happened. Vanessa never really got her license since she failed all her driving tests and because of that we usually had to drive her to and from school. I guess today her mom had agreed to take her home.

"I can give you a ride home! It'll be no problem, I swear! But it's really important" Kai urges and Vanessa finally gives in, muttering a 'fine'.

Kai gives Sandy a trumphant look that reads 'I told you so' and Sandy just rolls her eyes, elbowing him discreetly. I muffle my laugh.

"So where is this surprise again?" Vanessa asks as she swings her pink backpack over her shoulder, her brown eyes searching ours.

"Oh it's right outside,we'll show you! Musketeers away!" Kai announces and I sigh internally before I trudge after him.

Winter air greets the exposed skin of my neck as we step out the side exit and into the chilly wind. I pull my jacket tighter around me, letting out a puff of condensation from my mouth. 

'Over here!" Kai urges and drags Vanessa around a corner and into the back parking lot. It was mostly a hangout for seniors since no one really bothered to park in the small rundown parking lot and preferred the front one.

Vanessa gasps suddenly as she brings up her downcast eyes to meet a smiling blonde boy. In his hand is the cliche rose and he's wearing just a pair of low-slung jeans and an unzipped jacket, revealing his basketball jersey underneath. 

Vanessa lets out a jolly scream as she drops her backpack on the concrete and races to Jack as fast as she can in her high heels. Jack extends his arms and takes Vanessa in his arms in a tight embrace. I almost gag as I notice the tears streaming down Vanessa's face, carrying away her mascara. But for the sake of my best friend I hold it back, knowing it must've been tough for Vanessa to survive a few days without Jack.

Vanessa twirls around in Jack's arms to face us 'Did you- Did you guys do this?" she coughs out through her tears, which she begins to wipe away with the back of her perfectly-manicured hand.

I shove my hands in my jacket pockets and smile "You just looked so depressed" I mutter and Vanessa smiles, breaking out of Jack's embrace to hug the three of us.

"You guys are amazing!" She says.

Jack walks over and smiles down at his girlfriend. "That's not all. They told me how upset you look and since this is the only day my mom'll let me leave the house since I'm grounded, I decided to take you out to dinner. How does Amore sounds?" he says with a wide smile.

Vanessa's eyes widen "That really expensive place?" she gasps and Jack nods. Vanessa squeals in excitement and jumps back into Jack's arms, kissing him passionately. I look away, suddenly missing a certain brunette.

"Too much affection" Kai mutters and covers Sandy's eyes. I smile.

"Yeah, we better get going anyways. Kai's giving me a ride home" Sandy says.

I nod "Okay guys, talk to you later" I say with a wave as they turn around and walk away from me and the other couple.

I turn away as well but stop when I hear my name. "Julian couldn't come but he told me to tell you to stay home on Friday, He said he had something planned" Jack says to my back. A secret smile slips onto my lips.

"Okay, i'll be waiting" I say with a backwards wave before trudging away from the couple with that silly smile still plastered on my face.

Looks like he kept his promise....


Boring chapter that I just wrote in like a half hour. I know I haven't updated in a LONG time and I'm SOOOO sorry! I got a bad writer's block and I just couldn't find inspiration. I know everything that's going to go down but I need to find a way to get to the end of the school year so i can put it in place. This chapter is mainly about Vanessa and Jack. I think they're a cute couple but I don't know about Vanesssa. Thoughts?

Anyways peace and hugs and I get Spring break next week so I'll be sure to update as much as possible! And my birthday is coming up! Excited for that as well!

Song of the Chapter is Miss Missing you by Fall Out Boy (Name of the Chapter) even though it has nothing to do with the chapter itself. It's just catchy title...

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