Chapter 5: Ready for Revenge

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My alarm clock goes off at 3 o'clock in the morning. It doesn't matter though, I had stayed up all night pacing around my room and chugging down loads of energy drinks, prepping for this prank. 

As soon as my alarm goes off I know it is time to start our plan. I straighten out my jeans I had changed into around midnight so I wouldn't have to rush into getting ready later. I apply extra concealer to hide the bags under my blue eyes as I run a brush through my straight brown hair for the millionth time since last night. After brushing my teeth and all that fun stuff, I grab my phone, backpack, pack of energy drinks and the large bag full of "supplies".

As I get situated in my car at 3:30, I pull out my phone and started a three-way call between Sandy, Kai and I.

"Autumn, what's up?" Answers Kai's tired voice. I figured, Kai hates getting up early.

I roll my eyes "Kai, we have to meet now for the prank. You have the stuff, right?" I ask, not in the mood for joking.

I could hear Sandy sigh through the phone "Autumn, relax, everything's under control. I'm just leaving now and I'm sure Kai will be ready soon, unless he falls asleep at the wheel. Shit, one of us should've picked him up so that does happen." Sandy says, her voice turning serious during her short speech.

Kai snorts "San, don't worry. i just gotta find some coffee or something and I'll be fine. Too bad we have no 24-hour Starbucks here" he says,disappointment leaking in his voice.

I grin "i have something to boost your energy level,Kai. Just be in the school soon or else Sandy and I will drink it all" I say coaxingly. I could hear a sharp intake of breath through the reciever and I smirk as I grasp his attention. I turn the key in the ignition of my car, starting the car.

"I'll be right over! Better save me some Autumn!" he says.

I laugh "Hmm, maybe" I say and hang up before either Sandy or Kai can respond.

I pull out of the driveway after setting down my phone and drive down to West Hill High School.


Ten minutes later and I'm pulling into a space in the student parking area, next to a familiar Ford Focus. I smirk as I catch Kai's straight black hair as the boy himself pops out of his car as I shut off my engine and pocket the keys.

As I open the door, Kai pops up right in front of me, causing me to gasp in surprise. He snickers and I glare at him, slapping his arm. 

"Kai, knock it off or no liquid energy for you" I threaten and I immediately sense him tense up. I smirk as I slip out of my car, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I can feel Kai's brown eyes on me as I reach back into the car and pull out the pack of Red Bull.

His eyes light up like a child's on Christmas as I pull out two bottles and hand one to him. We pop the tabs and each drink at the rejuvenating substance. I can instantly sense the change in Kai as he perks up from his lazy slouching position.

By the time we pull all the supplies from my car, it's 4 o'clock and Sandy's car finally pulls up to where we are chilling in the bed of my gray truck. She stalks over to us, looking grumpy and tired. 

"Didn't get any sleep last night?" I ask as i hand her a bottle of Red Bull from our stash.

She climbs onto the bed of the truck as she takes a greedy gulp from her can of pure sugar.

"Like any of us did. I had to get up early for your prank, Autumn" she says accusingly.

I snort "Hey I can do this on my own if you wimps want your precious beauty sleep. I just wanted to allow my Allies to gain some extra Prank Points with me" I say.

In the Prank War certain friends formed Alliances, meaning that they'd set up pranks together and not prank each other. It was a good way to keep yourself from being pranked while being able to pull more extreme pranks with the help of others.

Sandy sighs "Yeah I guess. It's a good thing we have you too, Autumn. This prank is epic, I can't wait to see the look on Mrs. Lilliat's face after this" she snickers.

We all laugh and discard our now-empty bottles as we slide out of the bed of my truck and grab the bags of supplies. As we approach the school Kai stops.

"What's wrong Kai?" I ask

"How are we supposed to get in? it's locked until 6:30 and it's only 4:15" he states.

We all freeze for a moment before Sandy and I burst out laughing. I pat Kai on the shoulder when I see his confused face "You think I forgot about tha? Come on, you know me better than that" I say as I dig through my backpack and produce a set of keys.

Kai eyes me supsiciously "Where did you get those?" he questions.

I smirk as I turn around and unlock the side door of the school "I have connections, Kai. The janitor let me borrow them today for a little 'tip'" I say as the two of them hesitantly walk into the empty school after me. 

The lights flicker on in the hallway as we traverse through it, the automatic sensors catching our presence. 

I turn to the left as I near Room 216, Mrs. Lilliat's. I use the key set to open her room and flip on the light, illuminating the English Room with fluorescent light. 

I set down the bag of supplies and turn to my friends, smirking slightly.

"Ready for revenge?"


Sorry for no update yesterday, i was braindead after all the testing I had from midterms then I took a scholarship test for a school I'm applying to. Anyways since last chapter was really short, I wanted to have a relatively longer chapter now. None of the chapters will be incredibly long though since I'm already starting to feel bored with this book. It's better than my other stories though.

Picutre of Sandy on the side.

Can anyone guess what the big prank is?

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