Chapter 31: When in Foam

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All Thursday night I spent curled up in my bed, watching Netflix on my phone. Well, I was trying to watch Netflix. By the time school ended I had gotten so many calls and texts from Julian, Jack, Sandy, Kai and Vanessa that within 20 minutes of school being out I was forced to turn off my phone. I had spent the rest of my night hidden upstairs and hoping no one would come by the house. Luckily, it seemed they got the message I needed to cool down.

Now it's Friday and I'm wanting more than anything to melt into the floor as I enter the school building. It seems I'm the center of attention as people glance at me briefly, before looking away and whispering into someone else's ear. A grimace crosses my face, it's not like I couldn't tell they were talking about me.

"Autumn!" a voice cuts through the whispers and I, along with everyone else, turn my head to see a tall girl with flowing black hair running at me,

"Vanessa?" I say uncertainly as she stops right next to me, How she managed to run with those high heels is beyond me. However, my curious thoughts dissipate as I notice the frantic look on her flawless face.

"Oh my God, Autumn..." she pants.

"Vanessa, what's wrong?" I ask uncertainly, a burning curiousity filling me over what could get Vanessa so worked up. Then again, she was a bit of a Drama Queen...

"Jack... and... Julian..." she coughs out, bending over to place her hands on her knees as she regains her breath.

"Vanessa. What. Happened?" I force out, grabbing her cheeks so she's looking at me.

"Julian he... he put Jared in the hospital" she breathes out in a raspy voice and my hands drop as well as my jaw.

Julian hurt Jared? How? I know Julian could be intimidating and radiating the whole 'bad boy' vibe but he would never get physical, no matter what.

"H-how?" I manage to choke out through my shock.

Vanessa seems to have recovered better as she was standing upright, but by the slight glimmer in her soft eyes I know she's close to tears. "H-he put a t-trip wire over the stairs and Jared f-fell over. He has a b-broken arm now" she coughs out before a strangled sob breaks through "Julian and Jack a-are suspended for all next week!" Vanessa says and my eyes widen as I gasp in shock. A week without Julian? Immediately my mind races.

Without Julian that meant he couldn't pull any pranks. The Old me would be pleased with that situation but I was too busy worried over Julian. Julian's suspension could help me pull myself up a few points and set a good distance between us, but I felt guilty about it and banish that thought. Julian only got suspended because of me. He was trying to avenge me, right? How could I be so selfish to think of taking advantage of Julian's absence when he did it for me? But I had to help him so I could stop other opponents from topping his score.

"Autumn, are you listening to what I'm saying?" Vanessa says, her plucked eyebrows furrowing slightly. I shake my head to clear away my thoughts and return my attention to Vanessa.

"What? Yeah, I was just thinking" I murmur distractedly. Vanessa doesn't look convinced.

"A week without Jack, how will I survive?" Vanessa cries pitifully and I hide my smile. Vanessa was one of those girls who just had to have a man around to feel secure.

"Don't worry, Kai will be around for you" I say teasingly, and I almost shy away at the power of her glare.

"Autumn, you have to be serious for once. Jack will be devastated if he comes back and realizes someone took over his spot at 3rd place" she says.

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