Chapter 28: Conference Call

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I'm put into a state of shock as Julian's soft lips attach to mine. Before I can respond, or even recover from the shock, Julian pulls away. 

"I'm so sorry!" Julian yells, obviously mortified.

I can't even speak, I'm still frozen. Julian takes my silence as a chance to continue speaking though.

"I didn't mean to do that it was ju-" he starts but I can finally recover from my paralysis and speak.

"Why?' is all I can say.

"Why what?" Julian asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Why'd you... kiss me?" I say slowly, still trying to gather my thoughts, which were scattered by Julian's full lips.

Julian scratches the back of his neck "This may sound stupid but at the party... I know it was just a game but when you kissed me I kinda... felt something, you know? I just wanted to see if it was real" he says awkwardly. I don't fail to notice the pink taking over his chiseled cheeks.

"Did you-- Did you feel something now?" I choke out as I avoid eye contact with julian. It seems I wasn't the only one in that train of thought.

When Julian doesn't respond I raise my head. His eyes are wide but I notice the faint nod of his head as his face turns as red as a tomato and I know my face is going the same route as his, 

I swallow the giant lump in my throat as I attempt to choke out my next words "I-I felt something too. That's kinda why I was ignoring you, in case you didn't feel the same" I say shyly but I notice how Julian's face lights up like a child's on Christmas.

"Y-You did?" Julian proclaims and I nod tensely, feeling Julian's gaze on my face.His smile widens and I tilt my head to the side, trying to figure out what's going on in his mind.

"I know we haven't been friend for a while. But maybe-- Uh, do you maybe want to go out sometime?" he asks and my eyes widen in shock.

Plot twist much.

I open my mouth to speak but no noise come out. Julian's gaze is still focused intensely on me and his hopeful demeanor falters slightly as he realizes I'm not responding. Knowing speech is hopeless, I grab the front of Julian's shirt and pull him closer as I bring my lips to his.

He reacts immediately, deeping the kiss as our lips move in sync with each other. A jolt of electricity shoots through my body at the thrill of kissing Julian. After a moment I pull away, my eyes shooting open at the same time Julian's does. I smirk at his bewildered reaction.

"I hope that answers your question"


It's eight o'clock when Julian finally leaves. We had watched Anchorman from the start, cuddling on the couch and sharing granola bars. Romantic, I know.

As soon as I close the door behind Julian after a brief goodbye kiss, I grab my phone from the coffee table and run into my room faster than an Olympic racer, Within seconds I'm in the familiar four-way conference call with Vanessa, Kai and Sandy.

"You Au, what's up?" Kai's voice greets me when he picks up.

"Did Vanessa and Sandy pick up?" I ask for clarification. When I recieve positive answers from both girls I suck in a breath, ready to explain everything.

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