Chapter 10: Gak

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The loud rumble of the engine of my truck cuts off as I pull into my driveway and step out of the gray monster. I pull my backpack after me as I make my way inside my house, unlocking the door and stepping in. I flip on the lights to reveal the empty hallway. I step out of my sneakers and I haul my backpack up the stairs and into my room. My footsteps echo through the abandoned hallway. My mom had said she would be out tonight like she usually was. 

I close the door behind me and switch on the light switch. Light floods into my room, revealing the semi-large room. We didn't need a lot of rooms since I'm an only child, so the two bedrooms we had were fairly large. I drop my backpack by the black swivel chair tucked into the glass desk. I step away and move to my queen-sized mattress, flopping down onto it rather dramatically. I dig through the warm brown comforter until I find the TV remote. Grasping it, I turn on the small TV situated on a table in my room.

After a few hours of watching random shows and finishing my homework, I'm still wide awake. My hair is damp from a recent shower and sits in the usual side braid, dampening the sweatshirt I was wearing to bed. As I lay in bed watching How I Met Your Mother, my phone rings. I grab my phone to find it's an unknown number. Confused I press the answer button.

"Hello?" I ask into it.

"Autumn?" A familiar voice answers.

"Julian? How'd you get my number?" I ask, my eyes widening slightly.

"Vanessa gave it to me. Anyways, that's not why I called you" he informs me.

"No duh. What do you want?" I say moodily.

"Well, Miss Cranky, I wanted to know if you could help me with a prank I'm planning for tomorrow. It'll score us huge points and this way we can show the students we're working together now" he says.

I smile into the phone "Great, what do you want me to do?" 


That Friday I pull up into school, feeling rejuvenated. After doing what Julian had asked I had managed to fall asleep and woke up early to get ready. I slide my jean-clad butt out of my truck, smirking as I pull out two buckets full of a mysterious gak with me. Carrying the load, I make my way into school.

My boots scuffle slightly against the dirty floor as I shuffle to my locker. As I near it, I catch a silhouette and notice that Julian is leaning casually against my locker. When he notices me he stands up straight and makes his way over. 

"You actually made the goo?" he asks skeptically.

I smile as I shove a bucket into his arms "Yes and they're heavy. Let's go before we miss our window of opportunity" I say. I shove my backpack into my locker quickly and together Julian and I walk down the hallway.

"So you think this'll work?" I ask as we near the gymnasium.

"Yeah. I'll lift you into the vent and hand you the buckets. The vent goes right over where the first period gym class warms up. Just empty the gak out of the vents and ta-da, Lucy showers us with Prank Points" he elaborates.

I laugh a bit at this. "Why can't you go in the vent? After all, I had to make the gak. Do you know how hard it is to mix jell-o with God knows whatever ingredients you made me combine" I scold.

He scowls "Hey you want my trust, right? besides, I can't fit in the vents. All this muscle comes with a price" he says and flexes. I roll my eyes.

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