Chapter 17: Spin the Bottle

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The rest of the week passed quickly, only minor pranks here and there pulled by me or Julian. By the time Friday rolled around I was bored out of my mind, thirsty for a little excitement. Thankfully, a certain 6'1'' gray-eyed boy was here to cure me of the illnes.

"Hey Julian" I greet him enthusiastically.

"Hey, Autumn." Julian says happily, looking down slightly at me.

"So what brings you to talk to little old me?"

Julian scratches the back of his neck "Haha. Well, umm--" he says a little embarassed.

"Spit it out"

"Okay well Jack's having a party tonight and he said to invite whoever I want to so I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

I shrug "Sure, sounds great" I say, ignoring Julian's obvious embarrassed expression, though I could see no reason for it. 


I was never much of a party person. Sure, I've been invited to dozens of high school parties in the 4 years I've attended WHHS, but I rarely attended any. I never liked the drinking, the people grinding each against each other, and the dirty things happening in the bedrooms upstairs.

Those thoughts are running through my mind as my high heels click against the walkway leading up to Jack's enormous house-- wait, mansion. Julian's colossal house was a shack compared to Jack's well-kept, 4 story white house. The lawn was green and littered with people, statues and red cups. As soon as I passed the giant iron gate, I shiver. My skin prickles just at the thought of entering the huge house filled to maximum capacity. The house itself seemed to be pulsating to the deafening music.

The warm air inside the house made me sigh in relief. It was practically winter already and being in only a tight black dress that extended to just above my knee. I had attended enough of these parties to know that it got really hot inside.

It took several minutes to locate Kai and Sandy, who were both invited by Jack to the party. Sandy was in a blue crop top and liquid leggings while Kai was wearing faded jeans and a muscle shirt. Sandy immediately engulfs me in a bear hug when she sees me.

"Sandy, don't kill me before the party starts" I wheeze as she pulls away from me, grinning like a maniac. 

"I didn't expect you to come to this party, you usually don't ever come to these" Sandy says skeptically.

I shrug "Jack's our friend now so I figured why not" And also because I didn't want to crush Julian by saying no.

Of course I would never voice that second thought, or even the fact that he was the one who invited me. It actually crushed me a little that Jack wasn't the one to invite me while he invited Sandy and Kai.

"Penny for your thoughts, Autumn?" Kai asks, pulling me back to the present. I shake my head, wiping away any previous thoughts.

"Umm, just thinking about the food here?" I offer weakly.

The duo shoot me suspicious looks but thankfully they don't call my bluff. I breath out a sigh of relief-- which soon turns into a gasp as an arm grasps my bicep. Kai raises an eyebrow while Sandy looks smug. Quickly I whip around to face a smiling Julian. I don't fail to notice the red Solo cup clutched in one hand.

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