Chapter 26: Revelations

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I avoid all eye contact as Vanessa settles down beside me in the back of my truck. I take a sip from my water bottle, hoping to prolong this conversation for as long as possible.

"well?" Vanessa snaps, growing impatient.

"Well what?" I ask innocently, keeping my blue eyes away from her accusing ones.

"Why're you acting so strange? You've been weird since Monday"

"I haven't been acting any different"

"Damn it Autumn, what the fuck is wrong!" Vanessa yells, losing her cool for a moment.

I almost choke on my water, my eyes widening. In my three years of being friends with Vanessa, she has always been a goody two-shoes. I've only heard her curse a handful of times, and if she is this angry now, something's very wrong.

I sigh, giving up "I honestly don't know, Vanessa."

"You can't not know, Autumn. You've been avoiding Julian like he's the Black Plague" she says.

I pinch my nose "I don't want to talk about it" I mutter, barely audible.

"Come on Autumn, we've been friends for three years. If you don't talk to anyone about what's up, you can't find a solution" she offers coaxingly.

"Yeah but it's kinda like, relationship trouble" I admit, my face growing hot.

Vanessa places a comforting hand on my shoulder and smiles at me kindly "Autumn, if anyone knows relationship advice, it's me. I've had a boyfriend for a few months now, remember?" she says.

I sigh, giving up. I wring my hands as I try to word my thoughts "It's Julian. You know how we-- how we kissed?" I stammer. Vanessa slowly nods.

"Yeah, what about it?" she says, looking utterly confused.

"Well I know it was just for kicks, but when I kissed him it was kinda like, I dunno, nice? Like I felt something, you know?" I say, feeling my cheeks blossom with color.

"I definately know. Autumn if you felt something when you kissed him, you should embrace it, not hide from it."

I fidget with my side braid mindlessly as she says those words. "What's the point. He obviously forgot it even happened and even if he did, it meant nothing to him. Vanessa, we're supposed to be rivals. Even if he felt the same, nothing'll happen and if it does it'll just turn into a giant mess" I say hopelessly.

Vanessa suddenly grasps my shoulders and I gasp, looking into her eyes, which are narrowed as she glares at me. "Autumn, stop being so damn negative. I honestly doubt that he forgot the party. He wasn't that drunk"

My mind is hurting from this conversation. So Julian probably remembered? Then why has he been acting like he forgot everything? Unless he was too embarrassed to think about it... I shake my head. He would've talked to me about it first.

"Autumn, you okay?" Vanessa asks, her eyebrows furrowing.

I nod "Yeah, just thinking. Vanessa, you just don't get why having feelings for your rival is so hard." I say.

Vanessa squeezes my shoulder "It'll be hard if you keep thinking of him as your rival. You guys are friends now, Autumn! Sure, only one of you guys are going to win the Prank War but you two are working together now. It's not like he's gonna betray you" she says harshly.

My eyes widen but I quickly compose myself. "I guess. Look, I'm feeling sick so I should just go home. I'll call you later, okay?" I say dismissively as I get up, packing up my lunchbox.

"Sure, I'll tell the nurse for you. But just talk to Julian, okay?" she pleads.

I sigh "Sure, okay" I say as I open the door to my car. I slam it as Vanessa begins to walk away. She looks back in worry once but I'm already twisting the key into the hole as the car starts. I leave Vanessa and WHHS behind.


I'm reclining on my couch with a stash of popcorn and granola bars, watching Anchorman for what must be the millionth time when the doorbell rings. Unburying myself from the mountain of wrappers on the couch, I pause the movie and move towards the door. Even though I could rehearse the whole movie in my sleep, I had to watch the whole thing without missing a part or else I'd feel off all week.

My footsteps echo through the empty hallways as I maneuver through the house towards the front door. My mom is out working like normal so I've had the house to myself since I left school five hours ago. Now, thanks to it being almost winter, the sun is setting although it's only five at night.

The biggest surprise of my day though, is Julian standing outside my door with a bag in his hand.

"Er, can I come in?"


Short but essential chapter. I dunno if the next one should be a plot or filler chapter. Ambulance and Fire truck are at the house next door and I have no idea why, I'm scared though.

All of this was written yesterday (even the ambulance stuff) because I want to get back on my daily updating schedule. I dunno if I should continue NGFL because I don't really have a big plot or inspiration for it. Not to mention I told my bffl the plot and she already knew it was going to happen. Can anyone guess where this book'll end up?

Song of the chapter... Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. Nothing to do with the chapter, but I'm listening to it now.

So I accidentally wrote this on Waste Basket and I freaked out for a minute because I thought my computer deleted the chapter. So I'm like super relieved now haha.

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