Chapter 15: A Toast

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My carefree attitude continues on until lunch. I practically skip into the lunch room, but I obviously refrain. Me, skipping? Try to imagine that.

As I take my new seat at the table with Vanessa, Jack and Julian, a smile is still plastered onto my face. 

"What's with the face, you look like the Cheshire Cat" Julian sneers teasingly.

I roll my eyes "I can't be happy for once?" I retort sharply but continue smiling.

Julian laughs "Well since it's you, no" 

I sigh "Don't kill my mood, Jules" I say in defeat.

"Aww but that's what I do best" he whines.

"I thought that was being annoying" I mutter under my breath.

"What?" Julian asks, leaning in.

"Nothing!" I cover quickly.

I turn my attention to the group around me, where Kai is boasting about how he turned on the fan behind Jessica to lift up her mini-skirt during fourth period. We all laugh alongside each other.

Suddenly, Julian stands up. I look at him in surprise and he smirks in response. He lifts up his water bottle and opens his mouth.

"I want to propose a toast" he sys teasingly.I raise an eyebrow, what is he doing?

"To Autumn and her friends. The best alliance I can have" he calls out. Sandy laughs as I blush slightly. "And because I know that neither of us will break this trust. She has my total trust" he continues.

Guilt nips at me but I push it past. I have nothing to be guilty about it's a harmless alliance.

"Cheers" Kai says jokingly and everyone follows suit. Julian cracks a smile at me and I weekly smile back, my happy demeanor suddenly vanishing.


I continue the day in a less cheerful mood, barely even cracking a smile-- even when Jack replaced all our History teacher's pens with invisible ink. It surprised me that just three hours ago I was so careless and happy. I could barely even remember what set me in this sour mood.

As I pack up my backpack, I feel a shadow pass over me. I know instantly he's behind me even before he grasps both of my shoulder.

I whip around to face the smirking brunette boy "Hey Julian, what brings you to my humble locker?" I say teasingly. I smile at him but it doesn't reach my eyes.

Julian's smile falters a little but he quickly recovers "I just wanted to see if you were okay. You seemed kinda out of it during Math ninth period" he says in skepticism. 

I shrug "I dunno, I guess I'm just tired" I drawl and let out an exaggerated yawn.

Julian rolls his eyes "Now we all know that's not true. I don't care if you won't tell me why you're acting so down but I wanted to try to make you feel better" he states in detemination. 

I sigh "Julius I'm fine, honestly." I say in resignation.

Julian suddenly smiles, his lips curving upwards as his gray eyes lit up in giddiness "Well maybe if I can't cheer you up, I think I have an idea of what can" he says cryptically. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a package which makes my heart flutter, instantly banishing my feelings of guilt and sadness.

"Oh my god! How'd you know I love these?" I ask, reaching out to grab the giant package of Granola Bars.

Yes. He got me a 100 pack of Granola Bars.

Julian Doffrey, please marry me right now.

He laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck "Well when you were at my house I kinda went through your bag and found a giant stash of these things, so I kinda figured...." he trails off, his face taking on a light tinge of pink.

I couldn't even be mad at him right now for going through my bag because I was in heaven as I grabbed the giant package from him and ripped it open, biting into the granola and chocolate goodness wrapped into a bar.

"Yef, I yofe fese fings" I say with my mouth full.

"What?" Julian asks with a laugh.

I swallow and smile "I love these things. Thanks so much Julian!" I cry in pure bliss. 

Without thinking I fling myself at him. I wrap my arms around him in a giant hug. He tenses for a moment before he wraps his arms around me. All I could think about was how amazing this boy had made my day in a matter of minutes.

His warmth seeped through my leggings and I found myself blushing as I realized what I did. I pulled away, noticing how red my face was, I averted my gaze to the floor.

"Huh, sorry Jules. Kinda got excited about the granola bars. Thanks" i mumble in an embarrassed tone. He just nods. 

"Right, well I'll see you tomorrow. Glad I could cheer you up, Autumn" he says. He turns around and I smile at his retreating back, looking at his broad shoulders as they maneuvered through the crowd of seniors.

Before my giddy mood could collapse, I stuck another granola bar in my mouth and finished packing my bag.


Quick chapter because I have to write the Wall. It's hard, I'm already losing inspiration :/ Anyways snow day today so that's good! 

Song of the Chapter is... Our July in the Rain by He is We. The acoustic version because acoustic= better. 

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