Chapter 6: Classroom Chaos

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I shut my locker just as the first bell rings, signaling the start of first period. I smile to myself as I turn around and head to my first period class, English.

I strut down to Mrs. Lilliat's classroom, taking my sweet time. I could already sense the upcoming bedlam as I caught the crowd circling around Room 216. Whispers erupted as soon as people caught sight of me walking towards the classroom. A few people, the nerds who actually enjoyed school, frowned at me disapprovingly while the others shot me goofy smiles and looks of admiration. They dispersed to form a pathway as I walked past them and into the classroom.

The first thing I noticed was Mrs. Lilliat herself staring at the classroom in shock. The second thing were the smug looks on Kai and Sandy's look, my classmates. 

The final thing was the look of pure hate on Julian's face as he stood next to the English teacher. 

I could immediately tell why everyone's faces look like they'd just seen George Washington trample through school on a flying unicorn.

The classroom was upside down.

The floor of the classroom was empty, the off-white tiles sitting isolated on the floor.

The ceiling, however, was another story.

Resting upside down on the ceiling, secured by layers of duct tape, were the desks and chairs of students as if in an inverted classroom.

I sent a triumphant look to Sandy and Kai as all the seniors took in our masterpiece. Because, written in large black Expo on the whiteboard, were six letters.


Autumn Rivers, Sandy Conte and Kai Lee.

Suddenly Mrs. Lilliat turned to face me, her shocked face turning to one of complete anger. If she were a cartoon character her face would be red and smoke would be flowing out of her ears like the Niagara Falls.

"Autumn Rivers!" she seethes. 

I smile at her in a sickeningly sweet way "Yes, Mrs. Lilliat? Is something wrong?" I ask. I can hear the snickers of the onlookers at my reponse.

"Is something... Is something wrong? Yes, Miss Rivers, something is very wrong! Can you please explain why my classroom is upside down? Last time I checked we weren't spiders who could walk on ceilings" she says.

I shrug "Yeah, that would be very strange. I don't know why the classroom is upside down though. Maybe spiders decided to go to school yesterday?" I offer. I send a secretive look to Kai and Sandy, who were hovering over the whiteboard to cover the initials on the board. The students already knew it was us, and it looked as if the teacher hadn't had the sense to look at the board yet.

Mrs. Lilliat looks at me like she wants to bite my head off. She freezes and lets out a long breath, calming herself down. "You're right Miss Rivers. I just assumed you being the class clown and leader in something as big as Prank War, you'd be the mastermind behind such an elaborate scheme." she says.

My ego seems to swell over at this and I smile "Why you're right to assume this, but it seems that only a bright, intelligent, perfect genius could come up with a plan such as this" I say as I catch wind of a few snorts and snickers from the crowd of onlookers.

Mrs. Lilliat sighs "I guess you're right. Well I have no idea who the culprit could be then so I'll just have to have the janitor's come and pick this up. My first period class is aloud to do as they please for the period until then, I suppose." she says. This statement is followed by a supply of cheers and whoops from the crowd.

"Everyone else, to your classes before I give you detention" Mrs. Lilliat then corrects herself. A few disappointed sighs emit from the large crowd followed by the receding chatter of students leaving. 

The kids in first period spread themselves out over the classroom. Sandy and Kai leave the now-empty whiteboard and join us. We all high five as Sandy and I hug in excitement. 

"Awesome job with Lilliat, Autumn" Kai congratulates and I smile.

"Nothing a 'mastermind' such as myself couldn't handle" I say, lowering my voice so we don't gain the unwelcomed ears of Mrs. Lilliat.

Sandy opens her mouth to speak but she abrupty closes it, her eyes widening. I look at her in confusement but her eyes travel past my head and I turn around in curiousity, coming face to face with a steaming Julian.

Oops, forgot he was also in English with us.

"Can I help you, Jules?" I ask teasingly and bat my eyelashes at him.

He sets his jaw "Yes you can, Rivers. Please tell me why you stole my duct tape idea on Mrs. Lilliat's room. And before you deny it, I'm smarter than her and I saw your initials on the board. I know it was you, Autumn" he seethes. 

Kai and Sandy back away in fear but I draw myself to my full height and look up into Julian's gray eyes "I'm sorry your duct tape idea? I'm sorry, but I don't think that was entirely your idea. An idiot like yourself could never think of a half-ass prank like that" I retort sharply.

Suddenly Julian has his hand gripping my shoulder in what should be intimidating but I roll my eyes, acting unaffected although inwardly flinching as he squeezes my shoulder. Well he isn't on the football team for nothing.

"Rivers we both know you got this idea off mine. We all know the winner of this little Prank War is going to be me, so stop trying to outdo me. I'm Julian Doffrey, and I always win" he gloats.

I shove his chest and he takes a surprised step away from you "Get your head out of your ass Julian. Not everything revolves around you, okay? I was raised for this and I have more experience pranking people than you ever could. You can be the football star  and everything else you want, but I am meant to be the prank star and stop being a sore loser because I can pull off something bigger and better than you could." I say. It's only now I realize everyone around us has stopped talking and is listening to our heated debate, even Mrs. Lilliat. I glance around the room and immediately forty eyes look away. 

I roll my eyes and lean in, getting on my tiptoes so I'm level with Julius' ear "All's fair in love and war, remember that Julian" I whisper so no one else can hear. I pull away and back away from him. He looks frozen in shock and I smirk as I flip around to face Sandy and Kai, who both look astonished.


Another longer chapter than usual. Don't really have anything to say right... listening to 30 Seconds to Mars right now...

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