Chapter 4: Duct Tape Solves Everything

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Ever heard the saying "it's always brightest before the storm"?

Well that came to bite me in the ass when I pranced into school feeling giddy and carefree. I guess I was happy after I basically one-upped Julian in our little quarrel. I was practically skipping down the hallway when I stumbled over my feet as I skidded to a stop, horrified with the sight in front of me.

Leo, a senior in the Prank War, was against the wall, looking panick-stricken. His blonde hair was messy and sticking up everywhere and his green eyes were wide and anxious. That wasn't the worst part though. It was the fact his body was covered in layers and layers of gray duct tape. Taped to the wall was a piece of paper that said "your move, Rivers." As well as Julian's initials signed in the corner. I balled up my fists in anger and angrily turned around, ignoring Leo's calls for help.

Two can play at that game, Julian.

I hardly payed attention in class all day as I absent-mindedly chewed on my pencil eraser, thinking of a way to outdo Julian's prank.

When the idea came I practically shot out of my seat. Instead of doing that, I let out a gasp of excitement.
Immediately twenty pairs of eyes snapped to mine, including our teacher, Mr. Vann. He raised an eyebrow at me expression.
"Miss Rivers, are you alright?" he asked, his tone laced with amusement despite his attempts to look professional.

I blushed and looked down "um yeah, I was just excited because I-- uh-- understand what you said?" I offered lightly. Mr. Vann gave me an odd look before shrugging and continuing his lesson.

I breathed out a sigh of relief as I sank into the uncomfortable plastic chairs.

At the end of the day a lot of people had asked me about Julius and the Prank Points he managed to stack up from his little prank. I brushed then off but inside I was fuming. After packing my bag I stalked off to Sandy's locker, where the dirty blonde herself was packing her items up, Kai hovering over her.

I smirked at the two "hey buddies, care to help little old me with a prank? it's going to be big" I said. Immediately they perked up. Of course, anything involving pranks had us at on our toes.


Short chapter shhh.

Sorry I'm writing on my phone right now but I wanted to update today. So voila here it is! ill edit and expand to it tomorrow but I wanted to put up something since I'm supposed to update daily.

Is it bad I cried while watching How I Met Your Mother?

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