Chapter 30: He Blew It

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The smell of citrus mixed with mint makes me realize I'm not alone. It's the end of school and I'm at my locker, packing up my backpack. I zip up the bag and turn around to face the all-too familiar boy smirking at me. His Nike bag is slung over his shoulder and a cocky grin is spread on his lips.

"Can I help you, Jules?" I ask as I stand up so I'm almost eye-to-eye with him. He's a few inches taller than me so my eyes only reach his chin, forcing me to look up to glance into his glittering gray eyes.

"Just thought I'd stop by" he says and I smile at him. 

"Anything else?" I ask, biting my lip as I look up at him. He gazes at my lip in longing and I turn a light scarlet color.

"Do you think I'd get in trouble if I just had a taste?" he says and I turn red at his innuendo.

"Couldn't hurt to test it out" I say.

Before he can respond to my words I get up on my tiptoes and mash my lips to his. My eyes close on instinct as he presses me up against the cool metal of my locker. He wraps his arms around me as I drag mine through his soft and messy hair. 

I'm aware of the shocked stares of the seniors in the hallway as Julian attacks his soft yet firm lips to mine. He bites my lip needily but I'm feeling self-concious under all the scrutinizing gazes and I pull away, out of breath. 

Julian opens his eyes and looks into mine, an arrogant smirk lighting up his face. "That was better than I expected. Didn't know you had it in you, Rivers" he says. With a kiss to my forehead, he turns and walks away, leaving me with the shocked passerbys.

I scowl at his retreating back. I hitch my backpack back up my shoulder and push past the crowd, moving outside as fast as I can.

Way to make a scene, Autumn, I think bitterly.


Thursday morning seems to be stretching on hopelessly. English was boring, escpecially since we had two days' worth of work to do. I've fallen asleep in almost all my classes, and not only because of their sheer talent of boring me to death.  I had stayed up all night texting and talking to Julian.

By third period I'm dragging my feet and hunched over like a zombie. I'm late because of my slow crawl and the door is closed. I reach for the door handle, aiming to fling it open. As soon as I twist the knob and open it slightly, a collective gasp is heard through the science room and Jack stands up from his seat.

"Autumn, wait---"

His warning is cut off as the door slams against the wall. As soon as it collides with the wall, a loud wailing is heard. I almost jump out of my skin in fright, dropping my books in surprise. After a moment the sound of a horn goes away but the ringing in my ear is still there.

A hushed silence fills the silence hall as I finally notice the airhorn tapes to the door, along with a sign which read Jared O'Neill.

Finally reality sets in and my eyes widen in horror. I've just been pranked. I, Autumn Rivers, had let myself foolishly fall for one of the oldest tricks in the book. What's worse is it isn't even by someone like Julian, but some random player I've barely heard of. 

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