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He lifted his head from the console and sighed. I hate this. Odd quiet.
Whatever. Never this quiet.
I usually enjoy it.
But why not now?
He opened the door, and gazed out onto the alien wilderness.
Something in that scenery calmed him.
Three moons, one full the other two slivers of light gleaming in a black sky.
He found it beautiful.

Shutting the doors, he let out a long breath through his nose, and shut his green eyes momentarily. Well, let's see what this adventure brings us.
"What in the name of holy StarClan!" A she-cat screeched. "Doctor, he stole your TARDIS!"
The Doctor whipped around, but too slow for the weight that pinned him to the ground. "Why did you steal my Doctor's TARDIS?"
"Okay, you, strangely, have issues, and this is my TARDIS." The Doctor slapped her across the face. She slapped him back.
"Ruby." The voice of an older tom spoke. "Stop slapping whoever it is."
Ruby jumped off of the Doctor, and headed for and older gray tom. The Doctor stood up and dusted himself off. "Could you control her?"
He glared at the tom, who had his amber eyes widened in shock. "I recognize that voice... Do I know you?"
"I'm not sure you will." The Doctor sneezed loudly as dust came off of his coat and got into his nose. "Should I? I've not remembered hardly anyone since the Massacre. Messed up my mind too bit much."
"Massacre. Time Forest Massacre. Wait one moment. You're me."
"You sure 'bout that?"
"Split-regeneration. Quite uncommon. It was you and-"
"Me and who?"
The other Doctor - maybe - shook his head and beckoned with his tail for the two to follow him.
After a moment of confusion, the Doctor followed as well.

He was tackled to the ground again, yes again, strangely, by the same cat.
He struggled, even more confusion sweeping over him, as Ruby dug her claws into his back, then pushed her off and yowled angrily, "Are you out of your freakish mind? That's the second time today!"
"No, it's the first. Trust me, I've never seen you before in my life."
"Where's your Doctor, then, hmm? Prove you're not Ruby."
"I am Ruby, and that's my Doctor over there." She indicated a brown and white winged tom with a bobbed tail. This Doctor was wearing a turquoise cloak and scarf, and was hanging around a dragon-winged ginger she-cat, and Sparrowfang.
"Don't tell me he just up and changed right here on this crazy planet."
"Okay, what is going on?" Came Ruby's voice from behind him, and the earlier Doctor glanced from the current Doctor to the future Doctor. "You honestly don't think-"
"Time Lords."
Both Doctors held gazes with the same expressions, before both Rubys said, "Could anyone explain this to me?" And stared at each other.
"Whatever you do, don't touch each other." Both Doctors growled at the Rubys.
"Why?" They asked.
"Let's say, you won't look pretty afterwards." The current Doctor snarled; Both Rubys gulped.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now