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He landed down in the grass with a faint rustle. All he could hear was the quiet chirping of the alien crickets.
There were voices.
"Is that the creature that killed Maeve?"
I did nothing of the sort.
"It is. He smells of her blood."
"Could I kill him this time?" Barked one of the wolves, a middle aged male. The Thirteenth Doctor pushed his way through to face the patrol.
He gulped - it was larger than the average battle patrols he'd seen. At least thirty wolves surrounded him. He choked on his breath, a nervous smile formed on his face. "Nice meeting you, but I'm gonna be going now."
A black-furred male motioned to a silver - violet female. "Cona, get him."
The Doctor took off into the air, but seconds later, a paw slammed him to the ground at full force, stunning him.
Cona came bearing down on him, taking his body in his mouth and snapping the Doctor's wings. He bared his teeth in a sign of pain, but otherwise showed nothing.
"Great job, Cona." The same black wolf from earlier came up to the female, barking a praise.
The Doctor was dropped to the ground, where he landed with a dull thud. He lay there like a stunned bird, before getting to his paws again. Instantly, shots of pain rain through his ribs - Cona must've snapped some of those too - turning to face the two wolves. "Kill me if you will, but you will never harm my kits!"
He snapped his mouth shut as he realized he'd revealed more than he should've.
A cream spike backed older male shouldered his way through. "So, you have a mate and kits, huh? Rhys," he turned to the black male, who snapped to full attention. "See if he has any scent on him. When you're done, you can help Cona dispose of him."
"Yes, Commander." The black male trod over to the Doctor, took a sniff of the Doctor's pelt, before rushing back to his commander's side. He whispered in the commander's ear.
A look of surprise masked the Commander's face; he sent a sneer to the Doctor, before turning away and breaking out into a run.
Cona smiled, a look of mock remorse on her muzzle. "A mate, and kits?" The smile grew darker. "How would they like to see your corpse lying here
She launched herself at the Doctor, digging her rather sharp claws into his side, drawing blood.
He suppressed a yowl, glaring defiantly at Cona. "Do it. Kill me. I dare you."
The commander returned, sneering at the Doctor. "Do it Cona."
Cona sunk her claws in deeper; the Doctor gritted his teeth, yet made no sound.
The claws were ripped out of his his side, then teeth were fastened into his hindlegs as he was thrown into a tree.
"Hey!" Cona protested. "I was going to kill him!"
"Why don't you both kill him?" Barked the Commander. "It'll be more... Fun, that way."
The Doctor attempted to stand, but collapsed as he realized that his hindlegs were broken. Pain was blurring his vision.
He was suffering. "Yes, why don't you?"
"But she always gets to kill them!" Rhys, the wolf who'd thrown him, protested like a newborn kit.
"This is my first cat, savage!" Cona countered. Rhys seized the Doctor in his jaws, throwing him to the ground, then Cona seized him again and shook him.
"I've had enough of this." The Doctor was blind now, tears springing to his eyes. Cona stopped shaking him.
"Why're you hesitating? KILL HIM NOW!"
Cona threw him into the tree. "Ha! Take that, Rhys, you son of a-"
Thirteen blacked out before he could hear any more.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now