Fire of Rising Sun

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For the third time that day, Ruby was complaining about something completely random, and Fire could not take it any longer. The 'I'm tired', or 'I'm hungry', or "I'm so bored that I wish I could die' complaints were really getting on her nerves right now.

She fought the urge to claw Ruby, when an, "Are we there yet?' flooded her ears. Fire flared her wings, sighing for what felt like the millionth time that day. "I knew it."

It was the Twelfth Doctor's turn to complain. He walked over to Fire and whispered in her ear, "I'm blind, but I wish I was deaf right now because of her."

Now, that was something Fire could agree with. She nodded. Taking an annoyed glance at the crazed kittypet-Ruby made a face back.

Ruby, strangely, stayed silent for more of their trip, thank StarClan's kits; however, Fire came to realize that it was entirely short lived.

"My paws hurt." Her groan broke the silence; Fire was beyond annoyed right now, and from the look on Twelve's now irritated face, he wasn't really enjoying it either.

"You're not the only one." Fire whispered, head drooping. Twelve nudged her, well; more like shoved her, sending her a glare with his blind golden gaze blazing. "Please. Don't start."

At that, Ruby stopped complaining, her tone of which was now replaced with question. "Start what?"

Twelve let out a groan as Fire shook her head. "Still wish I was deaf right now...." His voice faltered, becoming absentminded.

Fire gritted her teeth as Ruby asked why he wished that. This was Twelve's Ruby; there was no way that she was going to find out about his blindness right now.

Then she came up with an idea. "Oh! I know! Maybe you and I could play the quiet game or something!"

Ruby let out a squeak of excitement, while the Twelfth Doctor gave Fire a grateful look and sighed. "Wouldn't that make my day?"

All three grew silent, Fire sending Ruby several determined looks because she wanted to win this thing, but Twelve stopped walking. He broke the silence with, "You hear that?"

Ruby, still distracted as she was intent on winning the game, mouthed the words, "In your dreams Fire."

Fire smiled at Ruby's statement, but looked to the Doctor with a concerned expression. She sniffed the air. If she talked now, she may never hear the end of it from Ruby, so she listened very closely for what Twelve had described.

Twelve's ears twitched, searching for whatever that sound may have been, pinpointing the source of the sound. "I think that may be Rainwhisker."

Rainwhisker? She thought, gazing around still, being the Doctor's eyes. Her thoughts whirled with confusion, until at last, she gave up. Oh, screw it. "Rainwhisker? Who's that?"

Twelve gave her an 'are you an idiot' look, and then closed his eyes and spoke. "That one cat that travels with future me. Heck, he's your friend. Gray tabby, hard to miss?"

Oh. Fire nodded as she began to understand what he was talking about. "Right."

Twelve gave a loud sniff, shaking his head. His ears twitched, and then he glanced quickly over his shoulder. "That's the quietest Ruby's ever been, isn't it?"

Fire glanced over her shoulder; where Ruby should've been standing, was just empty space. "Yeah, she's..." she faltered in her words, unsure of what to tell the Twelfth Doctor. "Gone. Again. Great."

The Doctor shook his head, but it was not a look of annoyance that crossed over his face. It was amusement. "That's literally the first time that she's ever done that..." His tone perfectly matched the expression on his face. "She never did that in my tenth life."

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