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Almost crashing into Fire as he skidded to a halt, Rainwhisker shot Erlin a glare. "Where in STARCLAN'S KITS HAVE YOU BEEN!?"
Fire and Erlin jumped back in surprise. "What's going on?" Fire asked.
Erlin began to back away.
"Don't even think about going anywhere." Rainwhisker snapped, eyes now narrowed to slits. "THAT BASTARD LEFT ME BEHIND!"
The Doctor -padding out from a bush - shrugged. "Well, I'm sure he forgot."
"FORGOT!" Rainwhisker's eyes took on a crazed look. "HOW COUKD HE FORGET? HE WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME!"
Erlin backed away even more, clutching desperately for words. "Sorry! It's just, I mean, the war, kinda being taken prisoner, I..." His voice faltered. "Sorry, again."
"Well, we're close to camp;we better find my predecessor before it gets dark." The Doctor unfolded his wings, then folded them back up again, looking uneasy. "Rainwhisker, Erlin, and Fire, could you scout ahead?"
Rainwhisker bowed his head respectfully. "Sure thing."
Without another word, he ran off.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now