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He was thrown straight into a cage, gasping as he landed on his injured paw.
"Aww, poor, poor Doctor. Does he wanna get out?" A Quartz Wolf by the name of Maeve from what he'd heard taunted as she walked up to the Doctor. The Doctor stood up, and began pacing around the cage. He smirked back at them. "Talking like a child. Matches your IQ perfectly, doesn't -Ah!" He made the mistake of stepping on his injured paw. As he examined it, he also watched the two wolves carefully.
The other, Erlin stared at his paw; the Doctor saw the beginnings of a smirk tug at the silver-violet wolf's muzzle. He paved around the perimeter of the cage, before Maeve beckoned him over to her.
The Doctor stopped looking at his paw, fixing the cuffs on his coat, then looking at his claws. "I can sense your IQs are dropping by the second. I believe that it's now below what.. Twenty seven?" A smirk formed on his face as he glared at the two. "Ha." He gave a humorless laugh, strumming the cage bars. "See? I'm clever."
Erlin growled, then took a step closer to the cage,teeth bared. "Then perhaps I'll have to try biting some of your brain out to make our IQs even. "
He sneered at the Doctor, an insane look in his eyes,then padded back to Maeve. She whispered something in his ear; the two padded closer to the cage.
But the Shalka Doctor was still looking at his claws. "It's not. Going. To work." The tone in his voice suggested that he was annoyed, even though he was happy with his plan. He chuckled, waving his paw absentmindedly about in the air. "Sure. Whatever. Do it."
He then set his paw to the ground. "If you find yourselves, somehow, somewhat.. Dead, don't come crying to me.
Erlin looked frightened - the Doctor's smile grew even brighter -and his paws tensed. "He must be joking."
"Anyway." Maeve interrupted. "How could you, a little cat, kill two Quartz Wolves like us?"
With a loud yowl, the Doctor launched himself, paws catching on the cage bars. He ignored the pain that shot through his paw. "I was in a massacre way worse than this petty little war of yours." He spat the word 'petty' in a way that almost suggested he didn't like the way it tasted. "I've killed so many; you won't make any difference. Nobody will know you're gone. He disappeared into the shadows of the cage, tracing in the dust images a of death and destruction. " You couldn't have seen anything worse than that massacre. "
Just then, a loud yowl sounded through the air, echoing throughout the cave.
Maeve and Erlin back away whimpering, as four figures dashed into the den, followed closely behind by a large black wolf with jade green markings.
But it was clear who was leading them.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now