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He was pretending to sleep, but nobody knew that. He heard Ruby, he couldn't tell which one, padding around the grass of the planet's wilderness, sniffing at the ground, and from the Doctor's experience in knowing her, she was most possibly looking for dandelions.
He heard the flutter of Fire's wings as she settled herself onto a tree branch, and from her silence, she was most likely watching them. He couldn't hear what his future incarnation was doing, but Thirteen was most likely watching them as well.
He yawned, but before he could actually sleep, a scream pierced his ears.
Yep. Ruby, Thirteen's Ruby, had found her dandelion. Wings fluttered, dragon wings from the sound of it - Fire had almost fallen off of her branch. A mutter of, "Dandelion." From her, but Thirteen sound like he was a bit over reactive. WHAT IN THE NAME OF BLOODY STARCLAN? "
Ruby giggled back at him in a teasing manner, bit also curious as well. "Why would StarClan be bloody?"
Thirteen let out a sigh; Twelve imagined him rolling his eyes at her. "Ruby, hunting for dandelions is completely childish and illogical."
Ruby's voice grew more childish. "Well, you're childish." She giggled. "Like a little kit."
"Well, this could get interesting." Fire muttered under her breath; Twelve raised his head, opening his eyes to listen to what would happen next.
Ruby blew a raspberry and giggled.
Another pair of wings fluttered as someone joined Fire on the branch beside her. "What's going on?" Asked the strange voice.
Ruby giggled again, then the grass swished as the Twelfth Doctor heard her bounce off.
"A dandelion." Fire muttered suspiciously back. "It all started with a dandelion."
"Dandelion?" The voice echoes, but before it -she - could say anymore, even another fluttering of wings told the Doctor that Thirteen had joined the two. "Dandelion."
The Doctor sighed laying his head on his paws. I seriously hope that this is over.
He yawned as loud as he could to attempt to provide a distraction from the two, but it didn't work.
Fire and the strange cat seemed to be muttered about how Ruby was a strange cat and whatnot, when the rustling of leaves and Thirteen's squeal of surprise told him it didn't work.
"Why did you fall?"
"Shut up, Ruby." Thirteen sounded very annoyed, on the borderline of lashing out at her. But Ruby answered, "Never!" The sound of her pawsteps sounding as she rushed off.
Twelve couldn't take it anymore. "Please be quiet, or I swear I'll slap you."
"You'll probably end up slapping a tree." Said the strange she-cat.
Twelve's Ruby, possibly back from doing her crazy antics, popped up behind him. "Hello!"
The Doctor let out a loud gasp, lashing out at her, but growled in frustration as his claws met thin air. Ruby giggled, but it died away as she most likely saw the Doctor's expression. "Are you okay?"
Another pair of pawsteps joined in; from the brief fluttering of wings, it was Fire.
He covered his face with a paw. "Please be quiet."
Ruby's concern didn't last long, as she was up to her normal, insane self again. "NEVER!"
Fire let out a sigh of frustration. "Ruby, come on."
Thirteen's Ruby's pawsteps joined the two.
The Doctor felt Fire nuzzle him in concern, then back away. "Is there something wrong?"
"LIES!" Thirteen's Ruby spat, pawsteps backing away as she echoed her words for an ominous 'effect'. His Ruby just went back to screaming at her dandelions.
"Oh goodness me." The strange she-cat muttered, wings fluttering nervously.
And here we go again. "This is going to go overboard." The Doctor muttered.
Ruby's screaming kept changing in tone, almost as if she had a Doppler Effect on her voice. Thirteen's Ruby snorted. "I ain't afraid!"
Fire's voice grew to a desperate plea in the Doctor's ears. "Doctor, please?"
Well, the Doctor couldn't keep a secret from her any longer, but Ruby, who was still in hearing range of them, needed to stay out of this.
The Doctor heard Fire's paw tapping impatiently on the grass until Ruby. "Oh, Doctor, I swear to StarClan, if you hear about this cool stick I found earlier."
Why was she changing the subject? The Doctor tilted his head in confusion, but played along with it, as he saw no other way for his secret to be revealed.
"I won't be able to see the stick." He answered.
The grass crunching under Fire suggested that she had hidden worry. "What?"
The Doctor gazed up at her blankly. "I told you already Fire. I'm not going to be able to see the stick."
He began to hear her stutter, and the worry was beginning to emerge in her tone. "Y-you mean... How did this happen?" He heard her begin to panic in the quickening of her voice, the uneasy fluttering of her wings.
The Doctor laid his head in his paws with a loud sigh. "Yes. Fire, I'm blind."
He heard the small whine that escaped her throat, and she settled down quickly. "I'm... I'm sorry."
The Doctor wrinkled his nose, growling softly at himself in regret, and then meowed. "It's fine. Don't worry; I get on, live life."
Fire was silent.
"Something wrong, Fire?" Both Rubys had emerged from the wilderness, but it was his Ruby that'd spoken. Thirteen's Ruby was dragging something along with her. The stick. Great.
He glared at both Rubys, suspicion creeping through his pelt, demanding, "Ruby, you give me the stick, and you, go away."
The Ruby with the stick plopped down in the grass, as Thirteen came in empty pawed. He nodded at Thirteen as though he could see him. "You, get the stick from her."
"Ruby." Thirteen snapped. "Give me the stick."
Again, Ruby replied with the same stubborn answer as before Twelve's Ruby snatched the stick from her, and then ran off. Thirteen's pawsteps retreated quickly after her.
The Doctor didn't know what in StarClan those two were doing, but it better not be one of those Flirting Wars again.
"Give me back the stick, you bastard!" Thirteen snapped at a bush somewhere at the midline of Twelve's hearing range. He heard a quiet snicker as well, and shook his head, realizing the inevitable. "And here goes the Flirting War again..." He let out a nostalgic sigh, thinking back to when he and Purple Rose would chase each other, teasing each other about who was fast and who wasn't.
Thirteen's Ruby's voice suddenly snapped the Doctor, and by the sound of it, she had him pinned. Twelve heard the stick fly through the air, and he jumped just in time to catch it in his teeth. Smiling mischievously, he dropped it at his paws, then settled down to examine it, he pretended that he was actually looking at the sick, but in reality, he traced over the strange feeling markings with an unsheathed claw. "Someone, no, a Jade Wolf by the name of Gyaki, requests our help urgently. Jade Hill. Message Sent: Nineteenth of March, 2103."
"Could it be the strange wolf we saw on the mountain earlier?" Asked the strange unnamed she-cat.
I didn't even see you there! Well, I couldn't have because of... Oh never mind! You just were not with us!
"No." Meowed the Thirteenth Doctor. "That wolf we saw was Gold, not Jade green."
Several moments of uneasy silence passed, then Twelve's Ruby broke it with, "Someone should meet the wolf."
Thirteen's Ruby was in an insane tone. "I will!"
The Doctor grabbed the stick in his jaws, standing, gazing around to assure the cats that he was fine. "I'll go. We need someone to watch Rubys'... mental issue."
"I'm not mental!" Thirteen's Ruby exclaimed with a loud squeal; Twelve's Ruby gave a mutter of agreement.
Twelve shook his head. Sure you're not. He dropped the stick, and nodded for Fire to take it before one of the Rubys could. "I can take care of myself.
He heard Fire step forward. " Could I come with you, Doctor? "
"Oh, StarClan..." Why does everyone think because I'm blind, that it means I can't take care of myself?
But his mind was indecisive, arguing over whether or not to take Fire with him; however, after a few heartbeats, he nodded in acquiescence.
"I'll watch Ruby." Said Thirteen's Ruby, but she most possibly didn't see that Twelve's Ruby was trying to sneak off without them.
"Thank you, Doctor." He could imagine the dragon-cat smiling at him gratefully, and then the grass bristled as she turned to the two Rubys. "Ruby, don't get into trouble. Either of you."
Thirteen grunted, on the borderline of indecisive and decisive. "I'll stay here with Robin."
So that's her name. The Doctor wanted to say aloud, but decide against it as he heard Thirteen's Ruby growl in jealousy, seemingly trying to resist the urge to claw Robin's eyes out.
Twelve's Ruby began to wander off, by the sound of the pawsteps.
He then felt a paw on his left should from Fire. "Alright." The paw left his shoulder. "Someone should probably go find the other one and keep eyes on her too, or you might end with a garden snake in your tree again." From the tone of Fire's voice she was on edge and trying to hide it. "Let's go."
As they left, the Doctor muttered under his breath, "Finally, we're getting somewhere."

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now