Fire of Rising Sun

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It was silent, but it was only Fire who was worried. "Doctor?"

The Shalka Doctor was staring at his paws; it was several tries before she successfully got him to look up at her. "Yes, Fire?'

Fire fiddled with her forepaws, her wings twitching uneasily, unsure what exactly she was going to say to him. It came to her as the remaining Quartz Wolf let out another whimper. "You could watch the wolf if I were to leave, right? Wait..." She pointed at the wolf with a wing. "What was your name again? Erlin, right?"

The Quartz Wolf's ears perked up, although his tail wagged with mingled fear and anxiety. "Um, yes. My name is Erlin."

"Well, Erlin." She strode over to the wolf in the same confident manner the Doctor had used. "I hope you won't be causing much trouble." A mischievous smile began to spread across her face. "Remember, Ruby's always close by in case you do."

The Shalka Doctor smirked as well, which most likely meant that he'd come up with a plan. "I know he said not to, but should we follow Twelve?'

Fire's ears perked up at the mention of that. "Yes." She immediately agreed, then turned to Erlin. "You are coming with us."

The wolf immediately went back to his full, uneasy posture. "Okay..."

"And, well, Let's go." The Shalka Doctor's face brightened up, and he gave a brief smile before returning to its usual darkened look. "Pray to StarClan that we make it out alive."

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now