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Her heart plunged to her stomach. She ran for the Doctor, who she had just witnessed getting killed seconds earlier.
None of her friends made an attempt to hold her back.
She tried to wake him, but every attempt was feeble. He didn't move, didn't stir. Didn't. Do. A thing.
She felt fury blaze within her, something she had rarely felt ever before. "President. What the hell have you done?" She howled, whipping around, facing the white furred wolf. "Answer me."
"Or what?" The President sneered in sarcasm. "Flap me to death with those flimsy little wings of yours? Haha." He narrowed his eyes. "Not likely."
Don't let it get to you don't let it get to you don't let it get to you. Fire shut her eyes tight, turning back around to face the fallen Doctor.
But she couldn't open her eyes to look at him.
Something in her subconscious wouldn't let her.
"Fire." Erlin was strangely, nervously calm. She felt a paw on her shoulder. "We can't just wait around and do nothing."
"I'm still here." The President snorted. "I'm gonna go and let you have some mourning time if that's what you really want."
Fire heard pawsteps exit out of the room, and let the door shut. "Follow him." She murmured. "I'll... Take care of this."
Erlin removed his paw from her shoulder. "Gyaki, Doctors, Rainwhisker, come here. Leave Fire alone. Please."
The pawsteps, then the door shutting after them gave Fire enough courage to open her eyes once more. She stepped forward, not minding if the scarlet blood soaked her paws.
"Heh. Well, I know this'll sound really cheesy but, what happens to your future incarnations if you're dead. What will happen to me? What will happen to my friends, your companions? This adventure would be all for nothing." She sniffed, sadness replacing the outward calm that was once in her body. "Well, I guess the timelines gone all wackadoodle now."
"N... Isn't... Yet."
Something spoke.
She swore she heard someone speak.
"Uh, what."
The Doctor raised his head. "Aye. I'm alive. Got one heart, that bastard. Still have one working."
Fire, dumbfounded, stood there. It was like he'd spoken a lost language to her.
The Doctor stood, but his posture was poor. "Thanks for helping... Agh! Stupid bastard." He forced himself to sit, grimacing. "Got only one heart working. The other one's got a piece of glass in it so no luck with that."
He looked up at Fire, who went from dumbfounded to shocked in a matter of milliseconds. "Oh, I. Um. Dead cats don't exactly- "
She cut herself off, seeing that she had not point to give, as she'd experienced it herself.
"I could use a little bit of help here." The Doctor spat through gritted teeth. "Geez... Are you a moonstruck rabbit or something?"
"Oh, uh. Sorry." Fire laughed nervously, but Shalka didn't seemed all that impressed. She moved, urged him to stand up on all fours. He didn't protest, thank StarClan, and they moved towards the doorway.
"Please don't mind the blood. Please." The Doctor murmured under his breath.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now