Ruby (13)

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Ruby raised her head as Fire and Erlin's voices grew louder. They were bickering now.
"Could you stop?" Ruby raised her head,giving them a hard stare. "I'm trying to sleep."
"Where did Twelve go?" All grew quiet as the Thirteenth Doctor spoke abruptly. It was so quiet, that you could hear a pin drop. "Did you leave him on his own?"
Fire pressed a forepaw to her head, wings drooping as she took upon a look of shame. "I... He... StarClan, what was I thinking?"
Ruby watched her stand, and pad out of sight. A moment later, a loud curse ripped through the clearing, making the Doctor flare his wings in surprise. "WHERE IS HE!?"
Ruby smiled as a thought came to mind. "He's in a better place."
Fire charged though to where Ruby was laying, shoving her muzzle into her face. "Ruby, I swear to StarClan that I will gouge your eyes out and drink your blood if you make another joke like that." The dragon-cat tensed, giving her a snarl.
Try it. Ruby smirked; Fire narrowed her eyes, before darting off with Erlin close behind.
The Doctor turned his head in Fire's direction, repeating his question from earlier. "Where is he?"
"He was there, right there!" Fire's voice was panicked, and a fluttering of wings told Ruby that she'd taken off. The Doctor abruptly followed after Ruby stood, sniffing the air, catching his scent. There he is.

A flash of gray ran before Ruby; she went to investigate, but a sharp kick in her stomach made her stop where she was. Please be calm, my kits. She told herself as she padded forward, but the kits wouldn't calm down.
A soft cloak touched her side; she looked up to see the Doctor looking down at her with a worried expression. "You okay?"
"Yes, just fine." She lied, trying to get the kits to calm down. "Just peachy."
He overlooked her, expression only growing more and more concerned. "Are you lying to me about something, Ruby? You seem off... Well, besides your mental insanity."
Ruby paused in her walking, giving him an odd look, sighing. "I'll tell you later."
She began to walk away.
"Ruby, there's something wrong with you."
She whirled around to face him. "Well, it's just... Doctor..." She scratched at the earth before her, avoiding his gaze. "Doctor, I think I may be having your kits."
Fire swooped down from where was hovering, ears and wings perking up in excitement. "Kits?"
The Doctor's expression grew entirely shocked, and the puffing up of his fur confirmed this. "What?"
Ruby sat down, curling her tail over her paws. "I'm sure. Very quite sure."
She nodded at the Doctor. "They're your kits."
Fire gave Ruby a small grin, nodding at the two as the Doctor came to sit down beside her. "Congratulations."
Honestly, she looked slightly nervous as well.
The Doctor bowed respectfully to Ruby, with an awkward smile. "Please excuse me for a moment to vent my excitement."
He ran off with a joyous laugh. "HOLY MOTHER OF PRYDON!"
A moment after he disappeared through the brush. Ruby smiled, giggling, standing up as she caught the Twelfth Doctor's scent, and kept moving. Fire walked alongside her now, her eyes overflowing with excitement as she asked, "Is it okay to say that I ship it?"
Ruby opened her mouth to speak, but the Doctor came back, eyes bright, although his fur was ruffled and his clothes were a mess. He also looked ready to collapse. "Yes... Fire... Oh, StarClan, I've never run like that in my life."
He continued to struggle catching his breath. "I think we should... Find... My predecessor.. Before.. He kills himself.
Ruby held back the urge to laugh at the Doctor. "Definitely."
"Good idea." Agreed Fire.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now