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A rustle brought the Doctor to a complete halt; he began listening, ears swivelling as he heard a loud breath.
His ears flattened, and he began to panic. "Who's there?" His fur began to bristle.
Four pairs of pawsteps began to creep toward him. From which direction, he couldn't tell. "What are you, a cat, doing on Quartz territory?"
The pawsteps grew louder. Testing him, maybe? There plan seemed to be working, as the blood began to pound louder in the Doctor's ears, his breath growing quicker. "W-where are you?"
"Are you blind?" Hot breath blew in his face at the sneering remark. "I'm right in front of you."
The other wolf began to circle him, most likely testing to see that he would react. His bark grew excited as he realized it. "Galan, Galan, I think he really is!"
"Oh, so you know I'm blind." The Doctor was taking this unusually calmly, sitting down, curling his tail over his paws. "Big deal. But I can tell that you two are Quartz Wolves from that sneer in your tone of yours, you know."
The two wolves were silent; the Doctor sighed. "Well, I may as well be on my way."
The deeper voiced wolf chuckled ominously. "I don't think so, little kitty." He said, a hint of a growl in his voice. The Doctor gulped as the other wolf's back grew more excited, and he chuckled as well. "Okay, Galathynius, let's not get carried away. We want to make our ... Guest... Feel welcome, don't we?"
"This will not end well." The Doctor muttered. He felt himself get nudged by the Quartz Wolf. "For you, no it won't."

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now