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From what the Doctor was hearing, the scene was completely insane. As of now, Ruby was singing highly off key.
"You're insane." Said a feminine voice, most likely a wolf. The other, a male, was silent. The Doctor wanted to collapse. StarClan, please help me.
"Ruby, free me please." Murmured the Shalka Doctor. The Doctor ran forward, only to be knocked backward by a fleeing Quartz Wolf.
"Maeve?" Gyaki helped the Doctor stand, then his pawsteps signaled that he'd turned around to face the other. "Erlin?"
"What!?" Erlin whimpered.
The Doctor was once again knocked down,this time by Fire, panting heavily with a snarl in her throat.
The Shalka Doctor, who was now free, helped the Doctor to his paws.
"Ruby saves the day!" The young she-cat shouted; the Doctor dug his claws into the ground to prevent himself from jumping.
"Something's wrong with her." Gyaki muttered - the Doctor could picture the Jade Wolf shaking his head.
"I'M INSANE!" Ruby shouted even louder, her erratic pawsteps telling the Doctor that she was prancing around the cave. It was followed by Erlin's panicked bark. "What's happening?"
This Doctor flattened his ears against his head, his hearing overwhelmed again. Fire's fur brushed against his, sensing that he was distressed. "Come on, Ruby..."
"This is the worst day of my life. " The Shalka Doctor muttered under his breath; the Doctor had to agree with him, especially when Ruby started singing the weird song she'd sung earlier.
"QUIET PLEASE." Fire sounded more angry than she had been a few seconds earlier. "Let's just get this figured out."
Ruby immediately calmed down, making the Doctor so relieved that he wanted to collapse to the ground.
"Okay, well..." The Shalka Doctor let out a breath through his nose, before continuing again. "If Ruby's... mental issue is solved, and I'm freed." He must've turned his gaze upon Erlin, for the next thing he said was directed at the wolf. "See? You're outnumbered now. What do you think of that?"
"Wheee! " Ruby began frolicking around the cave again.
"What.. The?" Gyaki spoke in a confused manner.
Don't ask.
"As for you." Fire spoke in hatred, her voice also directed at Erlin, a hint of a snarl in her tone. "What exactly is this?"
Erlin's then -quiet whimpers grew louder. "I-I... Uh... Ask Maeve! She's the one running things. Er,kinda."
"What in the name of StarClan is going on?" The Twelfth Doctor shouted at the completely random situation.
"POKÉTALE!" Ruby shouted. The Doctor covered his ears. Please let me go deaf now. He thought in desperation; He whispered, "Please help me from losing my mind. I swear my IQs dropping by the second."
"Ruby." Fire moved away from comforting the Doctor, possibly to confront Ruby. "Could you please stop singing. Imagine something fun instead."
"Like war?" Ruby suggested.
You should see this war. I saw a war unlike you've ever seen before, Ruby. But we should focus at the task at hand.
"For StarClan's sake, Ruby." Fire's annoyed voice broke the Doctor out of his thoughts.
"Yes, let's focus here. There is a war outside. Potentially thousands of wolves fighting for their lives here." The Doctor strode out of the group, then turned to face the others. "And what are we doing?" He narrowed his eyes,giving a simple reply. "Bickering."
"Well, yes." The Doctor's ears twitched, and he turned his head to where he presumed Fire was as she spoke.
"Well, then." The Doctor raised his head as a look of confidence appeared on his face. "That is why I'm going to find the Quartz Wolf alpha." He glanced at Fire. "By myself. I assure you, I'll be fine."
"I can't promise that I won't follow you, Doctor." Fire's worried tone quieted the others. The Doctor jerked his head over to the cage den, beckoning Fire over to it. Fire's pawsteps followed close behind him.
He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Fire, you're the only one besides me that knows I'm blind, but trust me: I'll be fine."
"Doctor, I ... I... I just don't want you getting hurt or anything." He could picture her eyes sparking in worry. "Or worse."
He placed a paw on her shoulder. "Honest. As direct of a descendant of Prydon as me, I swear that I'll be fine."
The Doctor heard her wings flutter uneasily. "Be careful.", looking for an exit. With a pained look in his eyes, he turned back to face Fire, staring at her for several heartbeats, even though he could not see her.
He then sighed, leaving without another word.
The Doctor nodded, then began brushing his tail along the wall, feeling for an exit. He looked painfully and regretfully back at Fire, before leaving without another word.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now