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He heard another figure walk into the den. "What's going on?"
It was his Ruby. He tugged nervously at the collar of his coat, clearing his throat. "Er, Ruby." He was not expecting this to happen. "What're you doing?"
"I heard you talking, so I came to investigate." She replied.
"No, no, no. Ruby. Both of you in here. Geez, both of you in here are gonna give me a panic attack. I seriously can't speak about something I was about to speak of!"
He took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly in a low sigh. He knew what had to be done, and what had to be said. "You see, Ruby, my Ruby, what I'm about to tell you is very important."
"Very, very important." Fire echoed - the Doctor could picture Erlin nodding in agreement with her.
The Doctor let out another low sigh. "Erlin is going to fix my eyesight."
He heard Erlin's tail start wagging rapidly from half excitement and half impatience. Fire spoke for him. "Let's just get the spell cast already."
Erlin tapped his claws in response. The Twelfth Doctor's Ruby, his Ruby, walked up to him, calmer than she normally would, placing a paw on his shoulder. "Really? Doctor, you're blind, aren't you?"
I hate to admit this, but , "Yes, Ruby. I am."
Fire yelled in impatience. "Okay, spell now, talk later. Ready, Doctor?" 
The Doctor shoved Ruby away, nodding uneasily.
After several seconds, he blinked, thinking it hadn't worked, until a violet dog like figure came into focus. It was Erlin, wagging his tail, tongue lolling out in happiness.
The Doctor shook his head in disbelief. "Holy StarClan. I can see."
Fire smiled hugely, running over to him and hugging him; the Doctor froze in surprise, then began to struggle. "No, no, Fire. Stop that. I don't like that."
Fire backed away, looking away from him, but the Doctor saw that she was still smiling. The Doctor shook his head, echoing her smile, hugging her back. Fire's smile became larger.
After several more frankly awkward seconds, her let her go and swung around, vision focusing on Erlin and Ruby, who were standing towards the back of the den.
"Now, I hate to say this, but we need to see what a real battle looks like, shall we?"

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now