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Bored because Thirteen had gone quiet, the Doctor turned his eyes upon the horizon.
Wait a second. That's Gyaki.
He poked the back of Erlin's neck. The wolf slightly jerked his head, as if irritated.
Yet, he must've noticed the Doctors gaze, as his route suddenly changed, heading for the Jade speck that could only be Gyaki.

Erlin suddenly stopped hovering. Waking from his nap that he'd been previously been taking, the Doctor listened to see what the commotion happened to be.
"Would you stop protesting, idiot?" Erlin snarled.
Oh. Thirteen again, huh?
"I'll drop you, Thirteen." Erlin's bark became darker, more serious. He then seemed to give an unconscious shake of his head, deciding Thirteen wasn't someone he could deal with at the current moment, and he climbed higher into the sky.

Up near the bottom of the clouds was much cooler. Not uncomfortably cold, but enough to make the Shalka Doctor's fur slightly prickle.
He turned his mind off of that, and now turned his gaze upon the jade speck. It was more distinguishable by now, taking a form not unlike a Chinese Dragon.
Gyaki. The Doctor flicked an ear, tailtip twitching absentmindedly. He knows, doesn't he?
He tapped the back of Erlin's head again. Erlin nodded, and changed direction.
They were now heading back toward the Capital.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now