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He thought he'd never know what it was like to have this many companions.
He was wrong.


With the Shalka and Thirteenth Doctor missing, and Thirteen's Ruby MIA, he was the only -albeit oldest- one to look after everyone.

The situation was chaos.

Pure chaos.

Not to mention, Erlin looked the same as him:Utterly annoyed.

"You know what? Let's find the others!" The Doctor shouted. Everything that was once loud grew quiet.

"Ruby." He turned to his Ruby, giving a single, brusque nod. "You're staying here."

"But-" Ruby protested, earning a glare from the Doctor. "Best learn maternal skills now."
Ruby was silent. The Doctor nodded to Erlin, Fire, and Robin. "Off we go, then."

"The scent stops here."

"So this is where Thirteen is?" Fire meowed in question, tilting her head to the side, sniffing the air. "All it smells like is wolves, Ruby, and... Blood. Oh no."

Erlin's paws began to fidget nervously, as if he were hiding something. The Doctor stole a glance at him.

Of course.

He wasn't tracking my successor.

He was tracking his Ruby.

"Umm, guys?" Robin's voice jerked all of their gazes toward the edge of the clearing. Her violet wing lifted back the tendrils of a bush that she had been standing next to. What was revealed, was a ginger tabby, so covered in blood, that they were almost unrecognizable.


Not they.



Thirteen's Ruby.

Soon to be... his own.

Thoughts whirled in his mind, unrelenting, pelting this brain until he thought that it would explode.

He took in a breath, trying to calm himself. "Fire, Erlin, go find Thirteen and Shalka. Bring them back to the Jade Wolf camp ASAP. Robin, were going back to the camp to wait for them. Maybe. Wait, no. We're going to declare a battle on the Quartz Wolves."

He'd belted those words out even before he knew he'd been saying them. Everyone stared at him, giving him this look as if he'd just spoken German, Spanish, and Polish all within the same sentence.


Erlin and Fire made a mad dash out of the clearing, as if they found out they were being chased by a mad serial killer.

Twelve jerked his head, beckoning Robin with his tail. He too off before she got to him. 

I swear, this is the start. Those Quartz Wolves are picking us off, one by one.

"You weren't gone long." Ruby let out a yawn, placing her tail protectively over the now-sleeping kits. "Did you find Thirteen yet?"

Robin -who'd just entered the den alongside the Doctor- sent Twelve a worried glance.

"Something up?" Rainwhisker raised his head. The glint of his blue eyes told the two that he was equally concerned. "Did you find something?"

"I don't think that's something you'd like to know."

The Doctor lowered his head, staring at his paws for several seconds, then whipped it up to meet Rainwhisker's. "Alert Gyaki that there are Quartz Wolves within the territory. Tell him to put the camp on high alert."

Rainwhisker blinked in confusion for several seconds, then scrambled to his paws and raced out of the den.

"Quartz Wolves are in the territory! Guard the camp! I send out scouts!"

Not exactly what I specified, but okay.

Gyaki's howl resounded, echoed all throughout the camp. Now from what the Doctor was seeing, it had sent the camp into utter chaos.

They're going to kill each other. The Doctor sighed, shaking his head. Then he turned, and disappeared into the shadows of the wolf den.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now