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How could the President be an animus? It was impossible!
A psychopathic animus, I might add.
It was worse when your powers were useless against him.
I guess this fight is going to be physical.
He let out a howl, launching himself at the President at the last second.
Don't forget about the animus magic. He reminded himself. The familiar tingle in his paws had been replaced with something new. That statement, he knew, had a double meaning.
The President hurled himself at Erlin, head butting the wolf in the chest and throwing him to the floor.
Stupid wolf, get up. Erlin scrambled to his paws, glaring at the President with blazing fury.
"Fucking bastard..." The President swore under his breath, shaking his whole body as if to regain his equilibrium. "There's no saving you now, is there?"
" I guess not... " Erlin chuckled. "But then again... Now Gyaki!"
The President whipped away, fur raised in alarm. Using that moment to his advantage, Erlin lunged, teeth bared, for the President's neck.
As he realized that there was no second assailant, the President whipped his head up, catching one of Erlin's legs in his teeth, and threw him back to the floor.
Blood welled up where the President's teeth had met Erlin's leg. Erlin stifled and whimper of pain that might have shown weakness.
Stupid wolf...
Get up...
"Stand up, Erlin." A new voice echoed throughout the room.
"Get out of the way."
Erlin reached out with his good forepaw, pushing himself backward, then lay there, motionless, on the floor.
There was a crack, not unlike ice.
Slowly falling away.
The wolf lifted his head, turned it, before the President shoved it back to the floor. "Let those cats die."
" Oh? You want us to die? " A silvery figure stood in what used to be the doorway. Though he was still bleeding from the wound the President had given him, he appeared unfazed.
The President's next response didn't surprise Erlin in the least.
"You'll be gone before the day is out, Doctor."
" I was already dying, thank you very much. " Shalka sniffed, offended. He stepped upon the broken glass of the doorway, which crunched under his paws.
The weight shifted off of Erlin, allowing him to stand.
Good luck, Doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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