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"What I say, sir, is that we move on, and- what is that?" The Thirteenth Doctor said, his tone suddenly growing surprised.
Twelve turned his head in the direction of Thirteen's voice. "We still don't know how you're involved with all this."
"Well, I've no idea either."
The Thirteenth Doctor stood quiet for several heartbeats; the Twelfth Doctor guessed that he was still staring at whatever.
"I'm seriously thinking that he should know." Said the earliest Ruby. She must have poked him or something, but all Thirteen did was growl, then stand silent.
"Doctor. Doctor." The other Ruby started poking him as well; The Twelfth Doctor glared at her even though he couldn't see her. "What in the name of StarClan is it?"
"Do you know why we're here?" Both Rubys asked, but nobody replied. Twelve could sense that his mind was fighting between telling them and not telling them.
But finally he replied, "I think it is a prophecy."
"Glorious." The Shalka Doctor spoke in a tone of total sarcasm -Twelve could imagine the tom rolling his eyes
"Well, you two, I hate to be basking in the glorious light, but we lost that thing!" Thirteen snapped, but gasped. "The creature possibly, had gone."
"TARDIS wolf...." Said the younger Ruby dreamily.
"Wolf." Twelve said with a weird look on his face. "Thirteen, fetch your companions, and let's go."
"Yes, sir." Thirteen said, then Twelve heard wings unfold as he took off and flew away. Twelve sent a smirk to Shalka. "Puns, and respect. Never would have expected that from myself."
"Me neither, " Meowed the Shalka Doctor.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now