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Fire burst in, breathless. "What'd I miss?"
Erlin sat down with a loud thud. Fire saw the Doctor nod at him. "Guess."
Erlin opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.
Mute, huh?
The Doctor shook his head, muttering something Fire didn't catch. She turned her gaze from him to Erlin,who seemed to be deep in thought, as he was scraping at the ground. "What's going on, Erlin?"
The Doctor echoed her question, but Erlin didn't seem to be listening, now tapping his claws. Then just after, he scooped up a small amount of dirt, then turned it into a leaf, making Fire jump and Ruby curse under her breath.
Out of that, Fire realized exactly what Erlin was thinking. If he can cast spells without talking, then maybe... Just maybe...
She cast her gaze upon the Doctor, and thought she caught an excited glimmer in his eyes. "What are you doing, Erlin?" He asked, possibly thinking out loud.
The wolf tapped his claws more rapidly, possibly excited as well, handing the Doctor the leaf. He tapped it gently with a forepaw, and it transformed into a stick, then back to its original form as dirt.
The Doctor shook his paw, the dirt sifting through the toes on his paw. "What does this prove,then?"
"If Erlin could cast spells without speaking," Fire began to explain what she saw Erlin do with the dirt earlier. "He could most possibly restore your eyesight."

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now