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"Wait, Erlin." Fire flew down, alighting on the middle of Erlin's back. "Stop."
Erlin paused, the sound of his pawsteps fading away into the wind. It grew eerily quiet. Except for the sound of pawsteps.
Hang on a second. Didn't I stop walking?
"What're those pawsteps?" He muttered under his breath.
"Dunno." Fire meowed back, then seemed to take a guess, which could be all but correct. "Copper Wolf?"
Erlin froze. "Copper Wolf. By the Great Mother Wolf, why did we get sent here? I'd rather face the President."
"Snap out of it. If you don't want to face Copper Wolves, run!"
Erlin quickened his pace, Fire taking off from his back, wing beats growing malevolently faster.
Faster. Faster. Faster.
Erlin's heartbeat kept a quick pace with Fire's wing beats.
"Quicker, you idiot!" Fire snapped in a tone that was quite unlike her usual self.
Erlin quickened his pace even faster.
"Stop there, Quartz Wolf!"
Erlin skidded to a halt; Fire landed on his back again. He turned around sharply. "Do you really wanna mess with me, Erlin? A Quartz Wolf? An animus Quartz Wolf?"
"Erlin, stop." Fire murmured, digging her claws anxiously into Erlin's back.
Erlin raised a paw, letting violet fire envelop it. "Do you really want to mess with me now?"
"Erlin..." Fire began to growl under her breath, just loud enough for the both of them to hear.
Erlin set down his paw, and the flame vanished. Half of the patrol of five Copper Wolves still stared at it as if it were going to spontaneously alight again.
"Whatever. Did you happen to see any cats around here? One's brown and white, the other silver?"
"Yes, but-" one of the patrol began to speak, but clamped his jaws shut as soon as he realized what he was saying.
Erlin blinked, resisting the urge to snap at all of them or set them alight like he'd promised.
"Nothing." The wolf added. His paws began to scratch at the barren soil beneath.
"Tell me! Did you see anyone?" Erlin's temper snapped; he jumped forward to face the young Copper Wolf, just inches from snapping his face off. "Anyone?"
"Y-yes, but he's gone now."
"Take me to your camp. Don't oppose me, or I'll carry out my threat."
"Okay, fine." The leader of the patrol nudged Erlin aside. "Let's move."

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now