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Alone, he gazed out the window, straight at the rapidly approaching figures. He scoffed, almost triumphant.
Good. They got my message.
He flexed his artificial leg, as if experimentally. As if it were almost... Foreign to him.
He lifted it, resting the paw on the specks.
You guys are like bugs. You'll be easily killed.
After several more silent, anxious heartbeats, the President dragged the forepaw down the window. He smiled as tiny cracks formed around the clawmarks. "I'll be seeing you bastards soon." The President removed his paw from the window. "Animus." He barked, letting it echo throughout the Council room.
The entrance door squealed open. "Yes, Lord President?"
The President turned away from the window. "Fix this for me."
He walked toward the High Animus, stopping him halfway there. "Fix the window, then leave. Understand? If I catch you escaping, there will be... Consequences."
"Yes. I'm aware of that, my Lord." The animus fixed the President with gaze that made even him feel uneasy.
The President let him move away. He walked to the entrance door, opening it, and watching the animus get to work.
The window began to reform, accompanied by a sound not unlike that of cracking ice.
As soon as the last crack had been mended, the President disappeared out the door, letting it shut behind him.

As he was walking down the hallway, heading away from the Council room, he heard a loud shattering sound and froze.
That bastard. He snarled, whipping around, heading straight back where he came from.

As he slammed the door behind him, ready to rebuke the Animus, what he saw there was half-surprise, half-shock to him.
The window was shattered, the High Animus was unconscious on the table, and six figures standing near that shattered window.
"Sorry for the window." Gyaki sneered with pure sarcasm. "We'll fix it later."
The President's gaze moved to a green-cloaked silver tabby, who's tail was lashing as he stepped angrily before the group.
The President pulled his ears back, anxious, stuttering, "Are y-you the l-leader of this... This little group of yours?"
The silver tabby nodded. "You could say that, yes."
The President nodded, pretending to look innocent, shuffling closer to the table. What's the best punishment for you?
With the claws on his artificial paw, he began carving out something from the glass table. He finished within seconds, then whispered under his breath, "I guess... If you're the so-called leader of this group..." He glared at the silver tabby. "You'll be the one paying for all this."
He took the shard in his mouth, running for the tabby. He threw him against the wall, pinning him there with his paws. The tabby didn't want to struggle, maybe he was too stubborn to, even on the threat of death.
The President sneered around the shard in his mouth. All the more worse for you, then.
He removed his artificial paw from the tabby's throat, took the shard in it, and smiled one last time.
"See you in hell, bastard." He sneered, before shoving the shard away from him, plunging it into the cat's chest.
The tabby fell limp, so the President turned away, smug.
He said no other word, but looked at what he'd done, before turning around and saying nothing about it.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now