Ruby (13)

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Ruby rolled onto her belly as a sharp pain passed through her, then winced as a kit sharply kicked her side.
"You okay?" The Thirteenth Doctor walked over to her as she got to her paws.
Erlin stepped toward her, followed closely behind by Fire. "What's going on?"
The Doctor echoed the dragon-cat's question, green eyes twinkling n concern.
"I'm fine." She lied with a grimace. "Trust me."
A sudden stabbing pain ran through her again, and she collapsed to the ground with a gasp.
"Ruby!" The Doctor cried, running to her side, breath quick in shock.
"I think my estimation... Was wrong." Ruby let out a low moan, making the Doctor's breath grow even quicker. "What do you mean? What estimation?"
Ruby tried to hide the pain that flashed in her gaze - although it was apparent - as she looked up at the Doctor. "I think the kits want to come now."
"Oh, well. Uh..." Fire started to speak, but stopped, clearly at a loss for words. Her eyes grew wide with confusion.
"The kits decide to come, during a freaking battle?" The Doctor's voice grew more sarcastic with every word he spoke. "This day is getting better and better! StarClan may as well take me into their paws and take me home!"
A growl rolled in Ruby's throat, and she let out a hiss from the pain. "I can't exactly control when the kits come, okay? It'll be fine."
Just then, seemingly out of nowhere, the Doctor collapsed into the grass, hyperventilating.
"Well this is just great." The Twelfth Doctor left the patrol to keep watch. "We come for a battle, and this is what we get."
StarClan. Ruby took a deep breath, and felt the first kit slip out of her onto the grass. Several seconds later, Fire picked up a small brown - and - white kit, quickly cleaned her up, and nudged her to Ruby's side.
Erlin backed away, seemingly unsure of what to do. Fire also looked as if she agreed with him, but began to reassure Ruby. "It'll be alright." She whipped up her head, calling for Twelve.
He appeared through the grass, annoyed. Fire jerked her head from him to Thirteen. "Get him up now."
The Twelfth Doctor took his successor by his scarf, began dragging him away. "Get. Up. Now!"
Nope. That didn't work.
Thirteen still refused to wake up. Ruby tried to stand again, but the pain made her stop. "Get up!"
Fire growled at Thirteen, giving him a fierce nudge. He jumped up, yowling, "The square root of nine is three!" Before collapsing again.
The Twelfth Doctor shook his head in sarcasm. "Dear StarClan."
The second kit came moments later, and after ruby had cleaned the tiny she-kit, she noticed that the kit looked exactly like her father. Ruby looked back up. "What should we name her?"
The Doctor rolled over in the grass with a low moan. "Spottedkit." He murmured, obviously delirious.
"Here we go again." The Twelfth Doctor muttered, disappearing into the grass.
"Spottedkit?" Ruby watched the small kits, letting out a purr. "They're perfect."
"Spottedkit. How about Nebula for the other?" Fire suggested.
"That's nice. " Thirteen murmured. Ruby smiled, and tried to relax as the kits began suckling; however, that wasn't the last.
Another pain rain through Ruby's belly, and the last kit slipped out more easily.
Fire quickly cleaned the kit off and nudged her to Ruby's side. "What will you name her?"
Erlin appeared out of the grass, the Twelfth Doctor perched on his back. "How about Goldenkit?" He jumped to the ground, indicating Thirteen. "Since he's unconscious."
Ruby took a look at Goldenkit, noticing that the kits name fit her perfectly. Her pelt was white, speckled with patches that looked like fallen sunlight. "Goldenkit it is."
"Congratulations." Erlin barked happily, to their surprise. "Oh, and I undid the curse Cidra put on me."
As Erlin sat down, Thirteen leaped back to his paws. "I'm all better now!"
All of a sudden, he looked woozy again. "Nope, I'm not." He slurred, collapsing to the ground once more.
Erlin looked down at him weirdly. "So, what exactly is wrong with him?"
The Twelfth Doctor rolled his eyes as he spoke. "Fatherhood, especially sudden. It gets to you. Trust me, it did the first time.
Erlin nodded, looking to the kits again. Ruby pulled them closer to her protectively, meeting the wolf's violet gaze warily. She bit back a small growl.
Erlin snapped his gaze away, stiffening as the Thirteenth Doctor stumbled back onto his paws. It took a moment for him to regain his normal posture. "Well, the kits have come. What are we going to do about the advancing patrol?
Oh StarClan, I completely forgot about that. Ruby's mind had been so focused on the kits, that she'd completely forgotten about the battle patrol.
She lifted her head. "Well, if they try and attack us, or even the kits, I will kill them."
Twelve's Ruby burst out of the grass, fur messy and sticking up everywhere. "Don't think she, er, I, won't!"
Fire gave a subtle nod, agreeing with the rest of them. "They hurt any of you, their throats will be out before they can say 'ow'."
Ruby raised her head, turning her gaze momentarily on all of the others. "Who's going to scout ahead, then?"
"I will." The Twelfth Doctor nodded brusquely, beginning to vanish through the grass, but his successor stopped him. "I'll go. I'm not risking your life."
He unfolded his wings, quickly taking off into the air.
"Be careful!" Both Rubys called after him at the same time.
As soon as Thirteen had left, the kits became utter chaos to handle. They crawled their way over to Erlin, trying to clamber over his paws and up his leg.
"Hey! Hey! Stop that!" Erlin let out a yelp as Spottedkit fluttered her tiny wings, flew about two inches up his leg, then bit down on it. "Oi! Ow, by the Great Mother Wolf, that actually hurt!"
He nudged Spottedkit, who fell to the ground with a small thump. Erlin lay on the ground. "You okay?"
Nebula began to climb on his face, nibbling on his whiskers.
"Oh, come on." Erlin whimpered. "Nebula..."
Ruby smiled proudly at her kits, but then decided that it was done with playtime. Goldenkit's the one who's well behaved.
She nuzzled the tiny kit -who yelped - and got up, picking up each kit, laying them next to Goldenkit. They calmed down immediately, as Ruby settled down beside them.
"You wouldn't mode going back to the Jade Wolf camp?" The Twelfth Doctor, who was staring at the sunset sky, tapped his paw absentmindedly without looking at them. "It's getting dark, and I think that it'll be safer there. My successor doesn't look like he'll be here until way after then."
"Good point." Ruby stood up, making the kits squeal in protest. "Fire, can you and Erlin each carry a kit?"
She bent down, picking up Nebula.
Fire dipped her head - a nonverbal reply - walking over to pick up Goldenkit.
Erlin looked uncomfortable. "Oh, um, yes. Sure. Okay."
Ruby followed his gaze down to Spottedkit. "So... How do I do this?"
The Twelfth Doctor picked Spottedkit up by the kits scruff, then gently setting her down again. "Be careful with her, since you're a bit bigger. If you aren't..." He trailed off, indicating Ruby.
"Yeah. You know what I'll do if you hurt one of my kits." Ruby let her voice grow eerily demonic, smiling as Erlin gulped uneasily, picking up the small kit.
Fire nodded approvingly. "There we go."
"Let's go." Meowed the Doctor
They set off for the Jade Wolf camp.
Ruby looked over her shoulder uneasily, praying for Thirteen's safe return.
"You coming?" Twelve called. Ruby nodded, before setting off behind them.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now