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He heard a rustle as a wolf shifted in her nest. "What do you want?"
He stared ahead, eyes unblinking, then sat down, curling his tail over his paws. "To talk." Was his only reply.
That wolf was not the only one there -two other growls sounded as he stood and began to approach.
The grass rustled - The first wolf had stood. "I can deal with him alone. I am an animus."
The Doctor began to walk away, bile rising in his throat. "A-animus?" He gulps nervously. "What's an animus?"
"Let's say," Hot breath blew in his face, so forceful it almost knocked him to the ground. "We have the power to do anything we want to."
One of her guards chuckled evilly.
The Doctor flattened his ears. "What's going on?"
"All will be revealed shortly." Snarled another guard with a hoarse voice.
The alpha's pawsteps retreated back to her nest, the crinkling of something in her paw signaled to him that she'd picked up a blade of grass. "I enchant this blade of grass to become an inescapable prison."
The Doctor heard something enclose him; when he walked up, his muzzle ran into a wall. Nice.
"Look at me, you moron." The alpha demanded;the Doctor felt a draft and peeked his head through a hole in the prison wall. "Sure, fine." His ears swiveled back, his face taking in a confident look. "But I think your fellow Erlin shall be here any second."
" Doctor! " Erlin burst into the den. His voice was excited at first, but then growled, as he must've seen the alpha. "Cidra."
The Doctor began pacing around the prison, but froze as Cidra called Erlin a ' fellow animus '
For several minutes after that, there was silence, until the Doctor began scratching at the prison walls, impatient and wanting to get out of the hellish prison. Erlin? Animus?
The wolf whined -the Doctor could picture his ears flattened against his head in shame. "I... I'm sorry." His whine turned to a growl -Erlin must've faced Cidra. "How did you know!"
"Our balance. One animus can sense another. Oh wait." She hesitated. "That hasn't been around for several thousands of years."
"Curiouser and curiouser. " sneered the hoarse voiced guard. Erlin growled a threat, and his paws backed slowly over to the cage as if protecting it and the impatient Doctor inside. "What do you want with my friend?"
The Doctor heard the alpha scrape menacingly at the ground, as if impatient herself. "I want answers."
It was Erlin who spoke next. "I enchant this cage to reform back to its original form and realize the prisoner within."
A blade of grass fluttered down onto the Doctor's nose. He sneezed; it fluttered to the ground. Seeing the opportunity, the Doctor shredded the blade to pieces.
"Alpha!" Hoarse-Voice growled. "Let's go. These peasants are no use to use to us anymore."
"One more gift from me to you before I leave." There was a hint of something bittersweet in the alpha's voice as she padded up to Erlin. "I enchant this wolf to never speak again."
Then the Doctor heard her pawsteps abruptly disappear. "StarClan, no. We've got figure this out. We need another animus, Erlin."
He slumped to the ground, crossing his forepaws. "I'm blind, and you're mute. Isn't this the best day ever?"
"What happened?" The Doctor raised his head at Ruby's voice.
Erlin began pacing, from the sound of his pawsteps, and the Doctor followed him.
"Can't speak about it. Quite literally."

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now