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All the sounds that could be hears throughout the Council room were the sounds of breathing. His own.
The President was the only one there.
It was cold in that otherwise silent room, he knew. Even under that think white cloak, he was shivering profusely. He could see frost forming on his whiskers, his breath frosted in the air.
Gyaki. He drew the name out in his thoughts, letting out another long breath that frosted in the air.
He whipped his head up, narrowing his violet quartz eyes. Erlin.
Why those two names?
He raised his left forepaw up suddenly, smacking it upon the table. A loud explosion of metallic sound resounded through the Council room.
"Of course..." He muttered. "It will be them."
It will be them.
With a malevolent flick of his left foreleg, he tore off the right sleeve of his cloak, exposing a once hidden artificial foreleg.
The Quartz Wolf President got to work, drawing blood from his paw pad, dripping it onto the robe sleeve.
It was ink upon paper, the blood on that sleeve as the President write in a language only known to a special few.
Feverish pace. Very feverish.
The President held up the message for him to see. He looked proud of his work.
Oh yes.
Let them come.

Wolves of Sisterhood (Storm Prophecy Special Edition) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now