Chapter II Kain P.O.V

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She flinches.
She fucking flinches.
Her eyes glaze over.
She's shaking and her breathe hitches in her throat.

My hands fall to my sides when realization strikes.
Noel has been hurt before.
She's been treated like crap and probably formed a tough exterior to protect herself.
God I'm such a dick!

Her name isn't even that bad, and I'm one to laugh.
My name is Kain for pete's sake!
She wasn't making fun of my name now was she.

There is a girl panicking in front of you.
What do I do?
She begins to fall.
My hands shoot out and catch her.
What now?
What happened to her?
Did she die?
Lets hope not, that would be bad.

I wrap my arms under Noel's knees and scoop her up into my arms.
God she is lighter than she looks...

I walk through the back exit and walk straight to my truck.
I set her in the passenger seat and buckle her in.
I run around to my side and jump in.

I start up my truck and drive to the only place I know, the safe house.
Yep the safe house.
I'm in a gang.
The dude Noel fucked up earlier is in my gang as my right hand man.
How did she even move that fast?
I didn't even see that coming.
And that says a lot.
I don't miss a thang honey.
A thang!

I throw my truck in park and run around to her door.
I scoop Noel up and run inside of the house.
taking her strait to Doc.
He will know what to do.
Once I walk through the door with her his eyes go wide.
I laugh an awkward laugh.

"About this...." I'm smiling nervously.
He shakes his head and points to the bed.
I lay Noel down and look at Doc.
How demanding of him...

"What happened?" Did asks in a humorous tone.
I laugh a fake laugh.
This is an interesting story really....

"Ha. Ha." I look at him flatly.
The sick old man assumes I did something dirty...
Wow dude just, wow...

"I'll see what I can do." Doc laughs as he checks Noel's pulse.
He frowns and looks at her.
I frown when he frowns.
That can't be good right?

"What?" I ask concerned.
Doc looks at me questioningly.
Don't play me this way Doc..

"Is she OK?" I ask and move towards her.
He waves me off.
Doc straps her down and turns to me.
Straps her down...
Why does that sound so dirty..
Get you head out of the gutter Kain!

"What happened before she passed out?" Doc asks worried making me worried.
Gosh I'm like a dramatic mother...
I need to chill out.

"I almost hit her."
Doc nods.
He just nods...
Doc you shouldn't make it seem so ok...
Well he is a gang doctor...

"She began to freak out and passed out" I say in a rush.
Noel really did freak out though...
I might have almost hit her but damn....

"Did she flinch?" Doc asks sadness in his voice.
My heart begins to race.
What does that have to do with anything?

"Yes, why?" I begin to panic myself.
Doc looks at Noel saddened.
Jesus Christ Doc you just met the girl.
Hold it together soldier...

"She seems to be reliving something in her head and it is causing her great pain. Her heart is racing in a way that only happens when you are scared." Doc says looking at me.
I look at her.
Oh shit...

"Is she OK?" I ask worried for a girl I barely know.
I literally have known Noel for like thirty minutes and she is already in my house and the doctor is making me feel like a worthless price for shit...

"We will see when she wakes up." Doc says looking back to her now.
The room seems to have gotten serious very suddenly.
Doc leaves.
It's only me left in the room.
I walk over to Noel's bedside.
I feel extremely creepy watching over her when I just met this woman!

"Please be ok." I look at her hand laying there for me to hold.
What the fuck did I just think!?!
What am I pussy whipped!?!
I don't even know this girl.
Like hell I'm going to 'like' her either.
Noel seems to be badass.
She is to damn much for me.
Like who the hell smashes someone's face into a wall!
She is one crazy ass bitch!

I leave her room and my heart beat returns to normal.
My hands stop shaking.
My mind clears.
She is insane.
Why did I bring her to my house!
Am I stupid!?!
Now she knows where I live.
She is going to come and kill me I'm my sleep....

God I need a drink.
I walk down the stairs to the kitchen and get a beer.
Oh a nice cold beer....
I sit in the counter and wait for Noel to wake up.
Hopefully she doesn't freak out.
Don't need her smashing anyone else's face into a wall now do we!
She is in a random house with someone she doesn't know at all.
She will probably freak out.
God help us...

I wait for a couple more hours before heading back up to her room.
I look at her laying in her bed.
She had a bruise in her collarbone and another on her cheek.
They are new, as in a few days ago she was hit.
That makes my hands twitch with anger.
I have no fucking clue...
Everything about this girl triggers my senses...
She doesn't deserve to get hit.
Why would someone hurt her?
She may be crazy, but she doesn't deserve that...

Noel is very mysterious.
I think I might want this girl in my gang, but I can't fucking like her.
I just can't.
That would be fucking stupid considering she could chop my balls off.
Not my babies!

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