Chapter V Noel P.O.V

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I speed home.
It's late.
The stars are bright and the moon is full.
I know I am about to have my ass chewed...

I pull up to my house.

My father isn't exactly poor.
He is loaded.
That's why my mother married him.
I was young when they married.
He is my biological father, but they just got married later than usual.
He used to treat me like his little angel.
Took me every where and bought me everything.
Then my mom go addicted to drugs.
She blamed her job, and stress.

Later on she got worse.
Then she died in a car accident.
He blamed me.
He loved her more than anything in the world.
He would have died for her.

At first he just drank and ignored me.
Then that wasn't enough.
As I grew I began to look more and more like her and he hated it.
So he tried to change my look by beating me.
He has broken almost every bone in my body.

Years ago he used to lock me in the basement and starve me.
When he was upset he would come down and use me as his own personal punching bag.
Then people got suspicious and started asking questions.
They wanted to know here I went, so he had to take me out of the basement.

He still beat me.
Just not in very obvious places.
Then when I was old enough, he bought me make up.
Not because he wanted to be nice.
It was so he could hit me in visible places and I would cover it up.
Some people may say my life is a living hell.
It is.
But it's all I know.

I pull up the alleyway and park my bike.
Next to lines of Land Rover and BMWs.
I lock it to the fence and walk in the back door.
He is sitting at the table drinking his beer.
When he sees the door open, his blood shot eyes look at me like I'm satan himself.

"Where were you?" He slurs out.
I don't know what to say as my body freezes up.
I shrug my shoulders.

"Out..." I say and take my shoes off.
There is no reason to even try and make him happy now.
All I ever do is make him even more pissed off anyways....
Why not start off that way.
He stands up and walks over to me.
Drinking the last bit of beer and smiled..
He raises the bottle and smashes it over my head.
I cuss under my breath.
Son of a bitch!
He pulls his arm back and punches me in the gut.
I fall to the floor clutching my stomach.
He begins to kick me and yell that it's my fault over and over again.
It's the same everytime....
He pauses and then kicks me in the face.
My head snaps back as the blood oozes from my nose...
I groan out in pain.
He walks to the stairs and steps on the first step, then pauses.

"Clean this up, if it's there tomorrow I will beat you twice as hard you worthless piece of shit..." He walks up the stairs to his room.
I lay on the floor.
The tears run down my cheeks silently.
My body aches.
The blood from the gash on my face drips on the floor.

Now I scramble to my feet.
I pick up every last piece of glass.
Knowing he means every word he sneers.....
My breathing was labored.
My ribs are probably broken and my arm is throbbing from the blows it blocked.

I walk to the trash and throw the glass away then turning to the sink to dampen a washcloth to wipe up all the blood.
I pinch my nose to stop it from bleeding on the floor even more....
My ribs burn as I lean over to clean my blood off the floor.
Once the floor is clean, I head to the laundry room.

I toss the washcloth in the washer and strip out of my clothes.
I throw a trash tee-shirt on and walk to my room.
After entering my room I head straight to the bathroom.
I struggle out of the shirt and turn the lights on.

I look into the mirror hesitantly.
Blood covers almost every inch of my face.
I look to my body.
Ribs littered with purple and blue bruises.
Arms scattered with bruises as well.
I hesitantly take all my clothes off and climb into the shower.
The water burns my split scalp.
Blood runs from my broken body and pools on the floor.
Reaching for the shampoo I know it's about to hurt like hell.
I hiss as the pain races from my scalp through the rest of my body.
Once completely clean I slowly maneuver out of the shower.
I slip into fresh clothes that are loose before I walk to bed very carefully.
I lay a towel over my pillow to collect the blood from my scalp.
As I lay in my bed I stare up at the ceiling.

"Why did you leave mom?" My voice full of pain and sadness.
Her face flashes through my mind.
Her black hair and her bright blue eyes...

"I miss you..." I squeak out painfully.
My eyes full of tears as I blink.
Tears run down my face.
Every memory burns through my mind and tears at my heart...

"I won't ever fight back mom..." I say and my voice breaks in the pain suffocating my heart and clouding my mind.
I made a promise and I intend to keep it.

"Maybe some day he will finally get it over with and we can be together again..." I say as my ribs burn with every breath.
I never wanted this to happen...
Some days I wish it would just end and I would be back with my mom...

"I love you..." I whisper as I try and fall asleep.
All I can think about is all the times she wrapped me in her arms as she spun me around making me think I could fly...
She used to tell me I could do anything and now I know I can't do anything...

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