Chapter XVI Kains P.O.V.

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I nervously pace back and forth.
I'm silently freaking out over this girl.
Doc needs to tell me something.
Is Noel going to be ok?
Please tell me she's ok...
I look up and see Doc slowly approaching me.

"Hey..." I sigh relieved and cross my arms over my chest.
I don't really know how to start this conversation.
All I know is I can't be like, omg is Noel going to be fucking ok or what?!?
Like, hell fucking no.

"About Noel…" Doc starts and hesitantly places his hands in his pockets.
Jesus just tell me already...

"Is she going to be ok?" I ask before Doc can finish.
His shoulders slowly relax.
But then he looks at me with doubt.
Dude I tried not to look like a pussy, but I just couldn't help it.

"Noel will eventually wake up. How fast depends on her will to live..." Doc sighs before placing a firm hand on my shoulder.
My body slightly sags in defeat.

Doc walks past me and his hand softly slides off my shoulder.
I stand frozen in shock.
Noel could never wake up.
I can't let her never wake up.

I slowly find myself walking up the stairs to her room.
I guess it's Noel's room?
I seem to be calling it that ever since she got here the first time.

Standing in front of her door with my head leaned against the wall I think about how she got in the predicament.
It's all my fucking fault...
I should have been there...
I should have answered...
If Noel never wakes up it'll be my fault...

"What are you doing?" Blake asks drawing me out of my thoughts..
He leans on the wall next to me.
I just continue staring at the door thinking about how Noel could have ever been in that house for so long.
How I didn't realize it sooner...
There were so many signs...
No many bruises...
So many fucking scars...

"I fucked up big time..." I whisper and look at Blake.
He looks at me passively trying to hide that he's also pissed off at me.

"You sure as hell did..." Blake love sadly and pushes off the wall from next to me.
I look at his back with a glare.
Well so much for not letting me know he's pissed off.

"But if I know that girl… and I think I do. Noel will try and see your side..." Blake speaks over his shoulder as he walks downstairs.
The words leave a confused expression plastered across my face.

I close my eyes angrily and sigh.
What do I do...
My hand opens the door and I walk in.
Noel's face littered with bruises.
Her arms are bruised.
I close my eyes trying to erase the bloody image from replaying in my mind.

Her heart beats steadily.
Her eyes closed, unmoving.
I quietly move the chair I sat in before next to her bed.
I take her small cold hand in mine and look down at her bruised knuckles.

"I…" Where the fuck do I start?
This girl deserves more than words to show her how fucked I felt about the whole situation.
Noel needs to see how sorry I am.
If I could go back in time...
I would change it all...

"I'm so sorry Noel..." My eyes mesmerized with her hands.
I can't find the stomach to look her in the eyes.
I can't look at someone I basically almost killed.
Or killed...

"I…" I stop before I say anything more.
I stand and release her hand.
This isn't what Noel needs.
She needs me to leave her alone forever.
I need to stop this before she gets even more hurt.

"You don't deserve this..." I walk out the door and never walk by it again.
I can't hurt her again.

*Weeks later*


Noel is stable.
Still, even after so long.
She must not be fighting very hard.
Can't blame the girl though...
I sigh and check her one last time before heading to the door.

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