Chapter XXIII Noels P.O.V

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"You. Will. Respect. Me" he raised his hand to hit me.
I didn't flinch.
I didn't move.
A slap rings through the room.
My body falls numb from my heart breaking.
He lied

My breathing was labored.
My eyes were still closed as I couldn't find any energy to open them.
I feel something in my hand.

"Im so sorry..." Kain whispers.
I feel his head setting on my hand as he holds onto me for dear life.
I want to rip my hand away from him but I can't move.
I feel a tear silently slide down my face.
I want to move.
I want to push him as far away from me as possible.
I feel his thumb wipe my tear.

"Please stop crying..." He begs.
His voice is course.
I feel suddenly extremely tired as my mind drifted away.
I'm submerged in darkness again.
I scream internally.
I scream even though no one can hear me.


I stand when the nurse enters the waiting room.
He looks concerned and walk to the receptionist desk.
The nurse points to me.
He spins and locks eyes with me.
He slowly approached me.

"Are you family of Noel...." He realizes he didn't know her last name.

"Yes" I nod my head excitedly.
He addresses Adrian and then looks back to me.

"May we see her?" I ask impatiently.
He looks at me but shakes his head.
I clench my fists in anger.

"Why?" I growl as I slowly inch even closer to him.
Adrian grabs my shoulder and pulls me behind him.
My body slowly goes rigid.
I was getting sick of him thinking he could walk all over me.

"I have to ask you a few questions first" the doctor didn't even care that I was pissed.

"Shoot" Adrian spoke before I could snap at him.
Why does he keep stepping in?!?

"Does she have any parents?" He asked looking at me as I walk out from behind Adrian.

"I don't see how that is any of your buisness" I spoke as calmly as I could.
He looked at me quizzically.
I groan.
If one more person looks at me like that I will snap there neck!?!

"She doesn't have a file... In fact, nobody has ever seen her before" he says.
My eyes widen.
She's never been to the hospital before.
That sick bastard made her suffer after he sliced up her back.
After he beat her senseless.
My shoulder rise and fall as I try not so kill everyone in this room.

"Now I am asking because of her...... She has a few scars I was wondering about" he asked while his voice was showing slight fear.
My eyes were black with rage.
He looked at her back.

"Did you touch her?" I whisper with so much hate.
Adrian pushes me away.

"I have to touch her to address her injuries young man. I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking to me so hatefully" he snapped back with anger.
Adrian stepped back from the man.
The doctors eyes widened at Adrians movement.

"I can't save you now" Adrian said and shrugged his shoulders.
The doctors eyes snapped to mine.
Fear sliced through him.

"Do you know who I am?" I growl and slam him against the wall.
He hisses in pain.
Oh, I'm not done yet.

"I'm Kain Kloshchev" I smile a sinister smile.
His eyes widen as recognition​ flows through him.

"You better treat me with respect if you would like to keep your head attached to your body" I take him off the wall and throw him away from me.
He stumbles.
He straightens up and smiles a fake smile.

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