Chapter LII Noels P.O.V

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Draven looked down at me confused and Emmie looked back at me with a mirroring expression.
Kain looked down at me with a bright and contagious smile.

I step forward and take Kain's hand in mine.
Emmie erupts in happy screams and steals me away from Kain.
She takes my hands and begins to jump up and down looking absolutely thrilled.

"OMG I helped make this happen!?!" She screams running to Kain and jumping in his arms.
I laugh at his shocked face when he catches her.

"You big lug I knew you had it in you!" She yells as he sets her down.
I'm smiling at the two.
Kain looking shocked and scared that this little girl trusts him so much.
The sight makes me smile from ear to ear.

"All you needed was a little help from the master..." She says placing her hands on her hips.
I look to Liam and see him smiling slightly down at Emmie.
Something finally clicks inside of me.
I can't hate them forever.
Eventually we will all be thrown back in the same house and I can't hate Liam...
I can't hate Adrian...

I look up to Luke and see him staring at Draven...
My eyes do a double take and I almost burst out laughing...
Is this actually happening?
Luke likes Draven...
Liam likes Emmie...
Who is out there for Adrian...

I spin scanning the school for someone I believe is worthy of Adrians love.
He is a sweet guy that will protect them no matter what.
Who is worthy of his love?

"Hey Adrian..." I say while the others are smiling and people are looking at us like we are crazy.
He looks down at me with a happy smile on his lips.
Honestly he is handsome.
That one flaw always made me not like him in a romantic way...
His eyes...

"Noel..." He said with a small voice.
He too was looking out upon our group of friends.
He too could see everyone was falling with someone else.
He too could see he was alone...

"I don't hate you for what you did. I could never hate you Adrian... Since the beginning you were someone I could trust. We just sort of connected. When you said those things it was like a slap to the face. I never thought I would see the day that you turned against me. I trusted you that much..." I say with a small smile.
I gently take his hand in mine and rub my thumb over his knuckles.
His are broken and crooked just like mine...

"No matter what you are my family now. With me I stay with family until the end. I know it may seem like we are all finding someone to leave you behind, but you are still there for me Adrian... You are important to me and I want you there for me forever... All this time away from you isn't what I want. I still want to be friends and I still want to be someone you can lean on..." I say and I see him looking down at me.
I look out to our friends who are laughing.
Me and Adrian were the two in the group that were hesitant to change.
We are closed off and distant.
People like us stick together.

"I would love to be a part of your family..." He whispers and I know it was hard for him to say.
I know he lost his brother and calling me family is a big step for him.
He only had one family and he was taken from him.
I hope our new family doesn't replace him, but makes Adrian see that he can trust me as much as I trust him...

I gently tug him down to me and wrap my arms around him.
He hesitated, but he still wrapped his arms around me in return.
This is the first time me and him actually hugged each other like this.
He is my family.

I release him and turn back to our friends.
My eyes see Liam talking to Emmie.
His cheeks are red and his smile is bright.
He is blushing as he speaks to her softly and making her listen to him as he apologized for his rudeness before.
I see her eyes look to mine and I nod to her telling her she should give him a chance.
She looks back to Liam and nods with a smile.
He smiles even brighter while he runs his hand up and down his neck as he tries to calm down...

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