Chapter VII Noels P.O.V

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Kain's eyes glaze over as his mind wonders elsewhere.
His features harden.
His jaw clenches.
His grip on the table increases.
Knuckles white.

Kain's eyes fill with so much sadness it makes my heart hurt.
My hand reaches forward to sooth him, even though I don't know what I'm doing.
My hand barely touched the side of his face when his hand flies up and catches mine.
Kain's eyes focus on me.
Mine focus on his.
His grip loosens around my wrist.
My hand is fully holding his head.
His eyes soften.
His entire body sags as if a weight has been lifted.

"I'm sorry..." I say searching his eyes.
His eyebrows crease with confusion.

"You didn't do anything."
I smile a sad smile.
Oh, but I have...

"I know."
I lie because I'm not one for expressing to much emotion....
You guys know that by now hopefully.
Kain looks even more confused.

"Whatever happened to make you look so sad. I'm apologizing for that. You should never look that sad. You deserve to always be happy..." I say as I drop my hand from his face.
His eyes follow my hand.
Kain looks sort of disappointed when my hand leaves his cheek.
I could have just imagined it.

I turn away from him and focus on the board.
I can't do this...
I can't let anyone close...
What the hell am I doing?

"Will you come over to my house later?" Kain whispers in my ear.
My body stiffens up.
Last time...

"I promise nothing will happen to you..." Kain says like he needs to justify himself.
I smile on the inside remembering the first time I was in his house.
I turn to see him mere inches away.
His eyes look from my lips back to my eyes.
That didn't just happen did it?
Probably not.
That's twice I have refused to believe the things he does...

"OK..." I whisper and smile a real smile at him.
Kain's face splits into a smile that reaches his ears.
I laugh at how happy he got.
What a goof ball...


The last bell rings and I walk to my locker.
I set all of my things in it easily.
Organized by hour.
I close my locker door and head out through the front doors.

I turn and see Kain leaning against the wall waiting on me.
The lighting accentuating every muscle on his toned body...

"Hey..." I smile at him.
He gets off the wall and walks toward me.
Everything about this man I gorgeous...
Kain deserved better...

"Ready to go..." he asks and takes my binder from my hands.
Is he going to carry it for me?
I can carry it myself...

"You do realize I have arms and can carry my own stuff right?" I ask messing with him.
He laughs.
Kain's laugh makes a small smile rise to my lips...
Everything about this guy just makes me want to be more free around him.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to carry her own stuff. Dumb guys like me carry it for you to impress you..." Kain say matterafactly.
I shake my head and walk along side him.

Once we reach Kain's truck he opens the door for me.
This is so different from how I'm usually treated at home...
I like it.

"Why thank you kind sir..." I laugh at his quirkiness.
Did I just laugh?
I told you Kain makes the weight lift from my shoulders...
He makes me want to be better than I was before...

"Anything for you malady..." he bows and closes the door behind me.
I smile at Kain as he climbs in his door.
This guy...

"What is there something on my face?" He asks me and flips down the mirror.
A laugh bubbles out of me.
Not at all Kain...
You just make me really happy.

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