Chapter XIII Noels P.O.V

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Kain thinks I would fuck anyone I see?
God he is such a dick!
I didn't even do anything...

I slowly approach my house and see the lights still on.
Well fuck my life...

"Well now I am totally in for it..." I groan to no one in particular.
I gently open the door ready for a painful night.
Kain's distasteful eyes still etched in my head..
He'll come and get me right?

"Where have you been?" My father slurs.
His eyes are dark and empty as he staggers.
Everything about him instantly sets me on edge.
Something isn't right...

"Out." I snap and slip off my boots.
I know I can't make it any better than it already is so, why not make it worse.

"I'm really sick of you and your attitude!" He yells and throws his bottle on the ground.
Glass shards fly everywhere.
Something feels different.

"Its about time you learned a lesson..." He smiled and punched me directly in the ribs.
Pain surges through me.
I fall to the floor trying to catch my breath.
Why does this feel like the last time...

"Not so brave now are you?" He kicks my arms as I tried to protect my face.
No, I just made a promise you sick fuck...
I will never break my promises unlike everyone else...

"I'm so sick of you, you fucking slut..." Those words sting because someone else today thought I was a slut.
My back ignites.
My scars burn...
That word is one I know all to well.

"I never want to see you again!" He yells and turns around.
I grab my phone and put it in my pocket.
It fell out during the brawl.

I watch my father stumble towards the kitchen and I call Kain.
Kain said he would come and get me.
No answer.

My dad is holding a knife.
I begin to panic and call him again.
Kain doesn't answer.
Please Kain don't do this....

My father draws closer do me and I try to call Kain one last time.
The phone doesn't even ring, it's like Kain shut his phone off.
Why was he ignoring me!
I need him!
I fucking need him...

"Ahh, your man not coming to your rescue?" My father laughs at me.
Tears build up in my eyes as I look at that sick man.
I know this may be that last time I ever see this sick man and I feel slightly happy.

"Well let me tell you something honey, nobody will ever love you..." He spits as he smiles.
I know that you sick bastard.
Not after all you've done to me...

"You're ugly. I made sure no one would love you when I carved your back. You're a whore. You're a slut. You're a bitch!" He yells at me while stalking towards me.
And I'm a murderer...

"You deserve to die!" He lunged at me.
All I can think about is my mom.
How I will be able to see her again.
The pain shouldn't be so bad since I have experienced so much of it before...

He plunged the knife deep into my torso.
A red hot searing pain grows in that area.
He then stands and punches me in the eye.
My head snaps backwards bouncing off the floor.
My vision is blurry.
My heart doesn't hurt.
It's not felt anything for a while now.

"Goodbye bitch..." He staggers  away and leaves me to bleed to death on the floor.
He always leaves me alone after he hurts me.
I knew this time was different.
My lungs fail me as I try and gasp for air.
I reach for my phone and call Kain one last time.
He doesn't answer me.
He must really think I would fuck anyone I see.
I must have hurt him in some way...

"Hi you have failed to reach Kain after the beep please leave a message..."
His wonderful voice.
I can picture his furrowed eyebrows and his beautiful eyes.

"Kain..." I gasp in pain.
I can hardly breathe.
I don't know how long this message will be since I'm struggling to breathe.

"I trusted you when you said you'd come..." I say as black dots fill my vision.
He lied to me...
Why did I believe him?

"Where are you?" I whisper as I begin to cry.
I shouldn't because of the fact I can already hardly breathe.
This just makes it harder.

"You should know that I would never touch another guy..." I sigh even though I know I shouldn't have to.
But if I die, Kain needs to know I would never hurt him.
He needs to know that I would never want to see him angry or upset with me.

"You were slowly piecing me back together..." I say while my cries die down.
My body slowly falling numb.
This is it, is it...

"I…" It's  getting really hard to breathe.
I can only last so much longer.
Why don't I want to die...
I don't want to leave just yet.

"Just know…" Blood is entering my lungs.
I sit up and cough up blood before laying back down.

"You and the guys showed me what a real family should look like..." With that I ended the voicemail.

He needed to know.
Kain deserved to know he left an impression on me in the short time we knew each other...
Now it's all over.

I laid down and closed my eyes.
At least it would all stop now.
I would be able to see my mom.

I laid there in pain until it all began to dull, and I was unconscious.
My world was black and my body finally stopped aching with every movement.
For the first time I was free...

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