Chapter IV Kains P.O.V

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Noel would have killed him if she had the chance.
Who is this girl?
Where is she from!
For God's sake she is fucking crazy!
Who let's there daughter grow up and be a killer, maybe, I don't actually know if she has killed anyone yet.
Yep, I said yet.
Yeah I doubt the fact that Noel hasn't ever killed anyone...
I am going to go back home and run a background check on her.
This chick crazy!?!
It can't be that hard to find a Ms. Noel.
Can't it?

She just sits there and looks forward.
Why is she so......... Scary.
I mean damn son!
Noel is just a very intimidating person.
Has anyone ever told her to smile before...
I wonder what she would look like of she smiled...
As I stare at the side of her head she looks like she just tasted something disgusting.

"Why are you staring at me?" Noel asks weirded out.
I just got caught staring at a beautiful girl...
Wait beautiful?!?
The fuck is my deal!?!
I snap my head away.
God that's embarrassing.
She laughs and shakes her head.
Please don't make me feel even more stupid than I already do...

"What?" I ask wanting to know if she was laughing at me.
God, do I just want her to drag my ass...

"Oh, nothing..." She says with a laugh.
Lord her laugh is cute...
Again with that shit!?!
Why is my head so fucking far up my ass that I think everything about this girl is literally fucking perfect?

I look at Noel and see her looking out the window.
Rain suddenly begins to downpour.
It's like we are in a fucking music video...
I turn on the windshield wipers.
I look back over at her and see her leaning on the window looking at the shy.
The light bouncing off her eyes...

Noel seems like a normal girl.
One that loves car rides to the middle of nowhere.
One that is sweet and happy all the time, but then you remember she can kill your ass.
Kind of a turn off.
Just kidding that is hot as hell!
I continue to look at her and she begins to fall asleep.
I smile and turn back to the road.
Gosh I'm a freaking creeper...

After a couple minutes of her sleeping, Noel shoots up and inhales sharply.
She fucking scares the shit out of me by the way!
I look at her.
Her eyes snap to mine.
Her pupils are dilated, and she looks frightened.
What did you dream about?
I pull over and turn to look at her.
She reaches out and touches my face.
Even though I want to hate it I kind of love it...
I just sit and stare at her not saying anything so she calms down.
Her hand falls from my face and her eyes fill with tears.
I kind of miss her hand on my cheek...
Dude you have a problem!
I continue to stare at Noel, even though it gets hard to watch her cry without trying to sooth her.
I need a therapist!
Like seriously where is all of this coming from!

"Sorry..." She whispers, as she wipes her tears and looks out the window.
She shuts me out again...
I some how wish she would have told me what is was about.
I feel the sudden need to protect this girl..
Again no fucking clue...
I face forward and pull back into the road.

"It's fine..." I say to her.
Even though I should be scared and hating her right now I can't.
Something about her pulls me in...
I want to know more about her and it freaks me out...

Noel lets out a stressed sigh, and leans back in the seat.
All I want to do is make her laugh, but you know that no matter what I do she won't smile at me...
She just doesn't seem like the type of person to want to be happy.
She just seems to want to be alone all the time...

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask even though I know she won't want to.
She shakes her head no, and continues to avoid eye contact.
Not happening right now...

I pull up at the school and she doesn't even wait for the truck to stop.
She jumps out as I put her in park.
Wow, please don't spare my feelings or anything....
She walks away to I assume her vehicle.

I jump out surprised there was no rain here.
I run after Noel to make sure she gets to her car.
For some reason I feel obligated to protect her and I don't know why...
To my surprise she stops at a street bike and I smile.
Of coarse she has a street bike.
She slides on her bike so smoothly.
Well that was a hella hot!
I shake my head.
I think I might actually like this girl..
I know it's to early but I don't care!
I tried to smother it but it stayed and now I want to embrace it...

"Thanks for the ride..." Her voice void of any emotion.
That hurts a little...
I nod.
I want her to smile and be happy...
She seems like the person who needs to smile a little more...

"No problem..." I say wanting her to look at me.
Noel's eyes are absolutely stunning...
She starts up her bike and slides on her helmet.
I just want to see her eyes.
Just one more time..
She backs her bike out of the space and speeds away.
Never once looking back at me.

I hope she gets home OK.
Who am I to say that when I tried to hit her and then basically kidnapped the girl...
God she probably hates my guts...

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