Chapter IX Noels P.O.V

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Kain just slid off the counter and walked to a door across the living room.
Blake and Liam followed suit.
Kain paused and looked to me with eyes full of... want?
What does that mean...
Kain closed the door and I was left in the kitchen with Luke and Adrian.

"How did you meet Kain?" Luke speaks first.
I glance his direction to see him looking at me.
His eyes are bold and daring.
I decide it would be better to explain while looking out the window.
Like already seems to be weary of me.

"We met when I was kicking Liam's ass..." I laugh with a smirk on my face.
Oh how I miss the feeling of kicking someone's ass.
I need to go to the ring!

"You were what?" Adrian is looking at me with shock, yet he is doing a good job to try and hide it.
Adrian reminds me of me.
Is that good or bad?

"Yep, I was repeatedly smashing Liam's face into the wall..." I turn from the window to address Adrian.
Adrian then looks to Luke with a shocked expression.
I smile on the inside.

"I didn't take you as such a violent person..." Luke spoke shocked before looking at me very questioningly.
He doesn't seem to like me.
I didn't smash his head into a wall now did I?

"Well you were wrong..." I snap irritated Luke was acting like he knew me.
He is being a really dick right now and I won't stand for it.

"What happened to your face?" Luke continues to poke into my personal life.
My eyes snap to his as anger captures my body.
It's times like these I realize my father passed something onto me.
His raging temper...

My feet carry me in Luke's direction
Before I have time to think I have grabbed him by his collar and pushed him against the wall.
My mind is screaming at me to stop, but my heart just wants to kick his ass.
I don't like people poking in my personal life.
They could never possibly understand the pain I've endured.
No one would ever be able to help me...

"Hey! What the hell are you doing!?" Luke exclaimed in shock.
My eyes finally focus on him.
His eyes.
His neck.
My hand holding him in place.
My hands fly off of Luke like he was on fire.
I back away quickly in shock.
I don't usually attack people on the first offense.
Something about him just sets me on edge.

My back suddenly hits a hard object.
I turn to see Adrian.
He was the brick wall I ran into.
Adrian reaches up and pokes my gash on my forehead.
Does he not care the I almost killed Luke?
What's wrong with me...

"It's pretty fresh..." Adrian sighs softly more to himself.
I slap his hand away from my face and turn back to Luke.
I may not like Luke, but I don't need to kill him either.

"I......I am sorry about that..." I say not knowing what else to say.
It feels wrong to be apologising to someone who makes me feel edgy.
Something about Luke...
I don't like it...

"It's fine." Luke straitens out his shirt and walks back to the table and gets a drink.
I follow his movements like a hawk.
Not trusting him at all.

"Can I stitch up your forehead?" Adrian asks me like he actually gave a damn.
Dude let it go!
Leave me the hell alone.
Like you actually give a damn...

"It's fine." I snap looking at something else.
I'm trying so hard right now to not snap at both of you.
I will kill the both of you without a second thought.
They don't know it, but I will.

"Just let him do it, he won't stop until you let him..." Luke says smiling at Adrian.
I roll my eyes and look back to Adrian.
Are they in this together?
Are they both trying to piss me off?

"Alright fine." I groan and sag my shoulders in defeat.
Adrian's face seems to light up even though he still tries to hide his emotions.
He tries, but I hide my emotions to so I know exactly what he is thinking.
Scary isn't it?

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