Chapter XII Kains P.O.V

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Adrian storms out of my office and leaves me alone.
He seems extremely angry for some reason.
What am I kidding it's Adrian.
Noel and him didn't do anything?
So she isn't in love with him?
What a relief.

I walk to the door and push it open.
I look around for Adrian, but he is nowhere to be seen.
I then walk to the pantry and get a box of chocolates I had been hiding from the boys.

"Really now you're hiding chocolate from me?" Blake asks sounding betrayed.
He stumbles away faking heartbreak.
Blake always acts like he dies whenever I do something like this.

"I can't believe our relationship has gotten this sad..." Blake gasps and begins to fake cry.
I roll my eyes and begin to walk away.
Noel has to be in a room upstairs somewhere...
I stumble a little, but catch myself.
Just a little tipsy.
I gather myself and slowly walk up the stairs.
Rooms all look to house her.
I stop at the door I put her in last time.
My ears listen to a sound that breaks my heart.
I can hear faint cries.
My heart constricts.
Guilt floods me.
What have I done?

Noel thought I was going to hit her again.
God I am such a fucking dick!
How could I have been so stupid to have ignored her signals...

I slowly slide down the wall next to her door.
My hands trace the words on the chocolate box.
I just sit and listen to her cry.
My heart hurting more with every second that passes.

Noel's pained cries stop after a few more seconds of waiting...
I stand from the floor and slowly open the door.
Maybe she is slowly calming down.
This should be a good time to go in...

I see Noel under the covers rolled up in a ball.
Her cheeks are tear stained.
I looks over her face and see where Adrian stitched up her forehead.
The infinitely many bruises that littered her face.
Scars were etched into almost every inch of her skin...

Noel's face reminded me of when I found Adrian.
Scars everywhere and blood all over.
He hadn't taken a shower since what happened.
He never told me, but I know it involved his brother.

Adrian would always whisper to himself about a Jeremy.
I asked him about it and he just said he was his brother.
When I persisted Adrian almost killed me.
I will never forget how he just broke down infront of me.
Liam and I were worried about him.
Adrian wasn't doing so good after we took him in.
Eventually he shut down.
He became who he is now.
Hollow and empty.
A walking shell of a person.

I set the chocolates on the nightstand and pull the chair close to her bed.
Strangely I feel not out of place with Noel.
She makes me feel so free.
I sit down slowly and lean closer to her.
Her breathing is slow and her eyes move in her sleep as she dreams.
I smile at her.

Noel doesn't seem to even know how beautiful she really is.
I have been nothing but an asshole to her.
I need to show her how much of a gentleman I can be.
It's what she deserves.

I sit and stare at Noel for the longest time.
I see her eyes pinch shut as she doesn't like what she is dreaming of.
She suddenly groans in her sleep.
Not in a good way though.
She looked in pain.

I almost have a heart attack when she jumps awake and screams.
Her eyes are dilated and they snap to mine.
I sit there like a dear caught in headlights.

Noel's shoulders relax and she seems to calm down.
Her eyes fill with tears and she rolls over so her back is now facing me.
Her shoulders shake with her soft cries.
Please don't cry Noel.

I stand from my spot and slide in the bed behind her.
I know I shouldn't but that doesn't stop me.
I felt this sudden urge to comfort her.
To make all of her pain stop...

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