Chapter XXXI Joeys P.O.V

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My fists pound against the door.
I need to get out and save her from that monster.

I run back into a corner and charge the door.
My shoulder crashes into the door and I fly backwards.
God damnit!

I lift my foot up and try and shove my foot through the door.
What the fuck are these door made out of?!?

The door flies open when I am almost ramming into it again.
I crash into someone and knock them to the floor.
My hands wrap around there throat as my hand finds my gun.
I lock it back and place it on his forehead.
My vision blinded by purr rage.

My eyes finally focus on the body I hold in place.
The guy that tried to comfort Noel earlier was looking at me questioningly.
I push up off of him and listen to him groan.
Like I give a fuck about him.

Standing I rush to the room Noel was in.
The window is open and the wind blows the curtains.

Running to the window and looking down I see spots where feet landed hard and shoved the grass up.

I turn and see the guy standing from the floor.
I have a few questions for this little shit.

My hand pushes him roughly into a wall while he has his back to me.
He spin and glares at me.
My gun still in hand.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" I ask looking for a tattoo.
The only people who are as crazy as these people are in a gang.
I would know...

"I should be asking you the same thing..." He counters lifting his shirt and revealing a dragon.
I nod in acknowledgement.
I pull my shirt from my shoulder.
The wolf showing through.
His eyes showed recognition.

"Alright so you are a fucking gang..." I groan sliding my gun back in my jeans.
He nods turning to the other guys running up the stairs.
All of them look like shit.

"You all look like shit..." I laugh noticing split lips, black eyes and just all around bruising.
They roll there eyes.

"How come he didn't hurt you?" They ask looking at me confused.
The one I almost shot earlier stepped forward.

"He is in a gang of his own boys..." He says and watches them all nod.
They look at me confused.

"You don't look to be in any gang...." The smaller one says with a smirk.
That pisses me off.
I reach behind my back and pull out my gun.
They all freeze up.

"I'm not here to get your approval. I came back here for the person I haven't stopped thinking about since I left her here years ago...." I slip my gun back where I always keep it and push past all of them.

They follow after me and grab there jackets.
I furrow my brows and watch them.
What the fuck do they think they are doing?
They sure as hell aren't coming with me...

They come closer to the door and I shake my head.

"Where the hell do you guys think you are going?" I ask crossing my arms.
They stop and look at me passively.

"You don't know Kain. If he sees you going anywhere near her now that he knows you are in a gang you will be shot. He will not fuck around when it comes to her. Even though he treats her like shit, he will not let anything happen to her" the one I tackled earlier snaps.
I chuckle.
They have no idea...

"Alright what are your names..." I say walking back into the kitchen.
Her helmet sits on the counter.
Black and dirty.

I turn and see the boys looking at me suspiciously.
I shrug and look at them trying to see why the hell there problem is.

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