Chapter XXII Noels P.O.V

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He storms out of the room as I sit on the floor crying.
How could he lie to me?
I know I am not the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
Why can't he just tell me the truth?
I can take it.

I stand and dry of my body in a hurry and I  throw my damp hair in a messy bun.
I peek out from behind the bathroom door to see if Kain had shut the bedroom door in his anger.
To my surprise he had closed it and locked it.

I suprised smile rises to my lips as I think about what must have ran through his mind.
Ok time to go, but she is going to need to get changed so I should just lock it behind me.

I shake my head softly and look at the clothes he had left for me to wear.
I see a white tee-shirt placed on top of grey Nike sweatpants.
He had also given me a pair of his boxers.
I blush realizing he thought this through.

I slip into the clothes and sigh in content.
I jump when someone begins to bang on the door.
I speed walk over to the door and unlock it before peeking my head out the slightest.

Luke pushes the door open and falls in the room with a soft sigh when he sees me.
He turns around and begins to text away.
I furrow my eye brows and follow after him.

"What was that?" I ask with my voice empty.
Luke looks back at me quizzically.

"How come you only talk to Kain with emotion?" He asks pausing in the hallway.
My shoulders stiffen at his question.

"I don't know..." I whisper and look further down the hallway.
I walk away from like with thoughts swirling through my mind.
Why the hell do I trust Kain so much?
In my daze I run into something hard.

"Fuck me in the asshole 'till my eyes are teary!" I yell and run my hand over my nose.
My eyes snap to the wall I ran into.
To my shock the wall had eyes.
And those eyes belonged to Blake.

"OMG!" He yells and laughs so hard he falls to the floor.
He rolls around trying to grasp his breath.

"You... you..." Blake tried but couldn't as he couldn't stop laughing.
I roll my eyes and fall on top of him.
He lets out a rush of air as I land on him.

"Oh shit!" He cussed as I got off of him.
He began to rub his stomach.

"Why did you do that?!?" Blake yells at me.
I act shocked and begin to fake cry.
His eyes bulge.

"Ooooh! Kain is gonna kill you!" Luke laughed and ran down the stairs so Blake would have to deal with this on his own.
Blake reached his hands out for me and I instantly stopped crying.

"You seriously thought I was just gonna cry when you snapped at me?" I laugh and walk past him.

"Especially since I have been snapped at my entire life!" I yell as I run down the stairs but Blake follows after me and tackles me.

"You were messing with me?" Blake laughs as I try and wiggle out from underneath him.
Both of our heads snap to the door when it slams open.
Kain enters covered in blood from head to toe.
He sees us in that position on the floor and looks livid.
Me and Blake lock eyes as panic sets in his bones.
Blake leaps off of me and looks like he's about to pass out.

"This is what you do when I leave?" Kain asks me not even looking at Blake.
I slowly stand to only be pushed back down.
Anger slowly forms and leaves.

"You must think that this is ok?" Kain growls and squats down to my level.
I don't say anything.

"You don't let me touch you without you freaking out, but Blake can lay on top of you!?!" He yells and I jump petrified.
Kain stands back up to full hight.
I stand and glare at him.

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