Chapter XXXVII Kains P.O.V

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I wait in my office for Luke to come talk to me.
I texted him saying it was urgent.
I don't like the way he treats Noel...
She needs to be shown she can't just ditch me without consequences...
I hate it, but it needs to be done...
Other wise she will just do it again.
I don't know what would happen to me if she left me again...
I might not make it out alive next time...

The door opens and he enters looking tired.
I look at him with the coldest expression I could muster.
He is fucking up my plan on make her feel like shit....
She deserves to feel like shit?!?

"What..." He snaps looking angry and tired all at once.
He is one of my most trusted men, but if needed I will throw him in his place.
It's not normal for a gang leaders men to snap back at them...

"Stop talking to Noel..." I growl not leaving any room for argument, but he finds some.
He looks livid and scared all at once.
He's mad, but he knows there will be consequences for his actions...

"No" he says not phased by me threatening him.
Well I haven't yet, but I'm about to...
Noel being back has made me in edge about everything.
I snap at the smallest things anymore...

"You will do as I say Luke. I'm not taking no for an answer..." I stand looking at him while I am wait for him to agree.
He is in my gang and I won't let him just walk all over me anymore...
After Noel left I shut down and just let them do whatever they wanted...
That ends now...

"No Kian. She needs someone to talk to. I'm not letting you win on this one..." He says going for the door.
I snap and my men take his arms and hold him still.
He looks at me like he can't believe what I was doing.
I know what he is thinking and I wish he was wrong...
I was becoming the old Kain again.

"Really Kain..." He snaps and I nod to my men.
Luke screams and fights of freedom.
I know Noel can hear this and I hope she doesn't come down...
They drag him down into the basement and lock him in the room.
Adrian sits in the chair next to him.
Adrian is pale and looks like death.
I smile and have someone untie him.
This is how I make my men listen to me.
I lock them in the dark for days on end and hope when they come out they listen better...

"Have you learned your lesson Adrian..." I smile as he glares at me.
He nods and I let him leave.
He runs up the stairs and leaves the room.
I know I seem evil, but who said I wasn't...

"You will stay here until you learn to listen to me..." I snap and slam the door on him.
His screams are loud, but the walls are thick enough so no one can her him scream...
When my hand let's go of the door I remember when I locked Noel in it.
They destroyed the door and I had to replace it.
Now it is reinforced with metal bars so if they have a problem they can't just break it down...

Walking up the stairs I see Noel looking horrified.
I want to comfort her, but I stand away from her.
She looks up to me with broken eyes.
Her eyes looking like she is slowly slipping into something.
I can't tell what she is feeling.
Her eyes are locking away the important emotions...
She is shutting me out of her mind.

"Why are you doing this Kain..." She asks me with a shattered voice.
I almost crack and walk back down those stairs to let him out just to make her happy again, but I don't.
I won't let her know that I still love her...
She needs to see how I felt...
She needs to know what it feels like to wake up and be living in your own walking hell...

"So you feel as lonely as I did..." I snap and shove her with my shoulder.
She falls into the wall and hits her head.
I want to stop, but I don't.
She gasps in pain...
My legs carry me quickly up the stairs...

I walk into my room and begin to freak out.
She's falling apart so fast it scares me...
I don't know how much longer I can do this to my angel...
No matter what she is still my fucking angel...

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