Chapter XLVIII Kains P.O.V

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I stand shocked that they actually put us together.
Can't anyone else see that me and her are not on the greatest terms right now...
It's kind of obvious or at least so I thought...

I stare at her silently begging her not to run away from me.
She shuts off all signs of life and walks to my side.
When I say side I mean a foot away from me.
I'm looking at her sadly.
She doesn't want to anywhere near me and now she is being forced to stand close to me.

My eyes find ones staring at me like he is about to kill me.
The guy Noel is always around is looking at me very intensely.
I shake him off and address the problem at hand.
Her completely not wanting to be near me.
I remember every word I said to her after she drove me home.
Every time I told her I still loved her and she refused to believe me.
I can't blame her though...
She is protecting her shattered heart away from things she knows will hurt her.
I swore to myself along time ago I would make up for all her heart ache after I kicked her out.
It's like a switch flipped in my head and told me everything I had ever done to her was absolutely fucked.
I watched YouTube for hours trying to figure out how to actually show a girl how you like her.
All I want is for her to be in my life again.

The videos told me to be patient.
I couldn't rush anything or she would grow to hate me.
I couldn't ever make her feel any less than she already did.
Everything I had ever done was basically showing her I fucking hated her...
That was never my intention.

Me and her always had a hard time communicating our feeling to each other.
I was still always a little better than her at it though...
Seeing now how many mistakes I made trying to show her I cared makes me see why she sometimes refused to let me back in after I fucked up.
She always did and that was another problem.

She stood looking at the coaches when they gave us our first pose.
I stood and waited for it to flash across the screen.
I would have to lay on the floor and hold her above me by her hips.
I laid down and waited for her to be ready.
She sighed and placed her hands on my arms as she hoisted herself up.
Her soft touch made the hair on my arms stand up.
I took hold of her hips and lifted her up.
She released my arms and placed them out infront of her.
Her stomach flexed under my fingers as she balanced herself out flat.
Coaches walked around until they found the ones who had failed further than anyone else.
They were eliminated and sent to run for the rest for class.
That was the punishment.
Fucking running...

Next pose I would be down in a back bend and she would repeat my form on top of me.
I bent down and waited to feel her weight on top of me.
She balanced herself on me and her hair fell down over my face.
I blew it out of the way and smiled seeing she let her hair grow back after chopping all of it off.
It suits her better...

She dropped her legs and was basically sitting on my groin when she was ending the pose.
I almost moaned out in pleasure of her being there, but as soon as she sat down she slipped off of me.

I now had to lay back in the floor and hold her butt with my feet and her shoulders in my hands.
I waited and she took my shoes in her hands and she placed them right under her butt.
I looked away and almost felt myself blushing like a little bitch...

Her shoulders came in contact with my hands and I could feel her prominent back muscles.
She let go of my arms and I was now completely holding her up.
I gently held her and slowly began to lower her back to the earth.
She laid on top of me for almost three seconds and I was freaking out.
She hasn't touched me that long in a while.

People kept getting eliminated and having to run, but me and her just kept going strong until we were one of last groups left.
Her boyfriend was the other group.
Our next pose would be me in an air wall sit while she had her hands on my knees and her thighs on my shoulders.
Everything about this pose screamed sexual...

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