Chapter XXV Vincents P.O.V

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I stand in my office looking out the window.
Usually when I felt this way my girl was there to pick me up.
She was taken from me.
I will kill everyone involved.
They will die just like she did.

I was just going to kill all of that man's family and friends.
He has already paid the price for what he did.
I just needed more blood to make up for her death.
No number of bodies will fill the hole burned into my heart.

Then the girl came into play.
Kain doesn't deserve anyone.
His father took the only person to show me love.
The only person I would have to protect.
I failed.
And I pay the price everyday.
He ripped my heart out.

My door opened and Theo entered.
I knew it was him by the jingling boots.

"We have a way that you can get her without Kain knowing" he spoke with a flat voice.

"Excellent" I dismiss him and change into a more suitable attire.
This is going to be fun.


I stay seated in the basement waiting for a sign.
I need to find him before he finds out about Noel.
I can't let her get pulled into this madness.

The basement door flies open as the boys Sprint down.

"God damnit Kain we looked everywhere!" Luke yelled.
I ignored them and continued flipping through every camera angle in this state.

"What are you doing?" Liam walked up behind me and looked at what I was doing.
I picked up Vincent's note and gave it to him.
His eyes widened and darkened.

"He was here..." I growl out and look back at them.
There eyes widen in fear.
They know I will lose my shit over this.
Noel could have been taken.

"And where the fuck were you!?!" I yell as they all jump.
My entire body is flexed to try and calm down.

"We were looking for you!" Liam yelled back.
He was the only one that ever yelled back at me.

"I don't need you fuckers to babysit me. I need you to protect Noel when I'm not around!?!" I stalk towards Liam.
He watches my every move calculating my next.

"She can handle herself..." He says with a sigh.
I relax at how he just gave in.
He usually fights back until I break his nose.

"She shouldn't have to..." I step away and run my hands through my hair and then to my face.
My mind is screaming.
I can't lose her.
I won't lose her.
She means more to me than I like to admit.

"She would probably be better off alone anyway. She has kicked your ass Kain" he says trying to justify his actions.

"I know, but she has been fighting for so long. She deserves to live a life where other people take care of her. She shouldn't have to take care of herself anymore" I say and look from one of my men to the other.

"I don't know what I would do if I lost her..." I say looking directly at Adrian.
His head was tilted watching me.
Like he was seeing if I was telling the truth.

"You really like her don't you?" He asks me.
I think about how to answer.

"I care about her so much, but she just won't like me. She doesn't want me close. All I want is to show her what it's like to be loved" I say looking back to Blake and Liam.

"I just want to make her happy..." I turn back to my computer and sit back down.
I continue to flip through the angles
My eyes are heavy.
Today had been a long day.
I stand and gesture to the boys.

"If you guys don't mind, could you stay here and keep watch. I need some sleep" I say and begin to walk away.

I walk up the stairs and right past my room.
I need to see Noel.
I open the door and see her laying in bed.
The room was dark, but the moon shown through the open balcony sliding door.
I walk to her bed and sit down.
Suddenly she is shaking in her sleep.
I slide closer to her.
She is crying.
Silent tears slide down her cheeks.
Then she flinched hardcore and jumped awake.
I didn't move and just watched her.
She turned and locked eyes with me.
Her eyes were puffy and red.
She looked miserable.

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