Chapter L Noels P.O.V

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He sits with us at lunch and I find myself stealing small glances at him the whole time.
His smile and contagious laugh brighten my gloomy world.
The bell rings and I stand reluctantly​.
I really don't want this to end.
He is showing me his gentle side that makes me smile and laugh, but me and you both know that he will always need to be who he always was.
You can't just block out all that pain he caused me.

"You really do like Kain?" Draven speaks up next to my locker.
I slam it shut jumping in the process.
He laughs and I groan loudly.
I punch his shoulder hard and he laughs even harder...
He doesn't understand that people are around and that they can't possibly keep there fucking mouths shut!?!

"Shut up dick face!" I whisper yell and he laughs at my choice of insult.
Looking around I see no one seemed to have caught what he just recently said.
I relax slightly knowing no one will blow this way out of proportion.

"He means alot to me you know that... He saved me countless times and showed me what it was like to have someone actually give a damn about you..." I sigh looking to his locker.
Kain stands grabbing things from it all the while looking confused.
He as a small frown etched in his face as he moves things trying to think.
All I can imagine is the times I would hold his head in my hands and ease his confusion.
All the times I made him see clearly...

"No one truly understands everything we have been through together Draven... I don't think he can be easily replaced..." I sigh looking away.
I wish I could be there for him to open up to still.
He used to whisper about anything that popped into his head when I would lay with him.
Simple words that meant the world to me...
Now all I have are the memories and the pain that followed them...

"You never really talked about any of the good things that happened between the two of you did you?" He asked seeming to finally catch on...
I never talked about them because it hurt worse than the bad memories.
Those ones meant little to me before he kicked me out.
The good ones made my heart slowly rip apart because of how much I actually loved him...

"The good times make me realize I won't be having any more with him... I didn't want that..." I whisper looking directly ahead.
I know people watch me carefully nowadays.

"You aren't getting back together?" He asked shocked.
I close my eyes and breathe.
I love Kain yes...
I don't think I could love anyone else as much as I love him.
The pain he caused still aches away in my chest.
My heart is still trying to recover from last time.
I am just not ready to be thrown back into the ring again...

"Not now... I'm not ready yet..." I admit to someone else other than myself.
I wish it was different.
I wish I could just forget, but I can't.
He means the best in everything he does, but he was wrong.
He didn't need to shove me away.
This must have been how he felt after I ran from him...

"Just give him a chance Noel. I have gotten to know the guy and I believe he can be the person you spend the rest of your life with. He just needs one more chance..." He smiles leaving me alone infront of my last class.

The class flies by and I find myself slowly wondering out of the school.
I'm pulled from my thought when someone takes my shoulder and spins me around.

"Noel could I take you somewhere?" I look up shocked to see Kain looking at me like he is scared of my answer.
He deserves one more chance Noel...
Just one more chance...

"Yes..." I whisper smiling up at his relaxing features.
He sticks his hand out for me to take and I gladly do.
He directs me to his truck and opens the door for me.
The memories of him always doing that for me bring the smallest smile on to my face.

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