Chapter XIX Noels P.O.V

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Kain wants to talk?
The last time we talked he called me a slut.
I really don't want to talk to him at all.
My body is so sore and I just want to sleep for a week...
I eventually pass out and dream of fighting and always winning.


"Entering the ring is the undefeated Scar!" With my fists in the air I run to the ring and spin around.
Everyone is cheering me on.
That's when Kain walk in the ring.

"You think I like you?" He sneers at me.
I stand there frozen.
My hoodie is gone and he can see my face.

"Noel you are so easy." Kain smiles sickly and lays a punch to my face.
I try to move but my body is frozen.
All the cheers die out and it's just me and him in the ring.

"You are too easy. You seriously think I would go for you when I look like this?" Kain gestures to his body.
I want to yell.
I want to fight back.
He continues to punch and kick me.

"You are just a girl who got beat by her father like the worthless piece of shit you are!" Kain snaps and punches me in the face again.

"I wish he would have killed you?" Kain sneers and punches me again.
My eyes begin to water as I stare at him defenseless.
Those words are like knives to the heart.

"I guess I just have to finish the job..." Kain's hand pulls back.

I suddenly jump awake and instantly regret it.
Pain is all I feel.
It's in my heart and body.

I fall back into my bed and groan in pain.
When Kain threw me on the floor he definitely fucked up my ribs.
I need Adrian's magic cream.
Should I text him?

I lay there contemplating the consequences and grab my phone.
I don't want to give up my position, but I have to if I want to talk to Kain.

I text him.

Who is this?
I smile.

It's Noel!
I can picture Adrian's face in my head.

How do I know it's really you?
I laughed and took a really 'attractive' picture of myself.
I tried to get as many double chins as I could.

Hey Noel😂
I laugh at his reply dorky reply.

Could you come over?
I ask even though I know he is freaking out right now.

Yes, why?
I smile.

My ribs are broken and I want to talk to you😘
I wait.

You just want me for my drugs😒
I laugh.

You caught me!✋😂🤚
I slowly struggle to get up.
The pain soaring through my entire body.

Can I bring stuff for your nose?
I forgot about my nose.
Honestly I forgot about everything...

You should just bring everything...
I say remembering how Kain fucked me up.

Are you ok?
I look away and then back to the phone.
He should have to worry about me.

I will be.
I send him my address and he shows up in like ten minutes.
I fling open the door and see Adrian with a bag slung on his shoulder.

"Hey..." He sighs happily.
His eyes are bright and happy to see me.
I miss this...

"Hey." I move aside and let him in.
Adrian looks tired.
Well he was at the ring last night...

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